Venue: Committee Room 2 - 2nd Floor West Wing, Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Zoe Lewis Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: The Clerk stated that since the agenda was published Brendan Barns had been appointed to the Sub-Committee by the Finance Committee and John Foley had been appointed by the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee. The Chairman welcomed Brendan Barns, John Foley, Mary Durcan and Hugh Selka who were new Members of the Sub-Committee. Apologies were received from John Foley. |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in Respect of Items on the Agenda Minutes: Graham Packham stated he had a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to Agenda Item 7 as his flat was in the area. He stated he would leave the room for this item and the Deputy Chairman would chair the item. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 19 March 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED, That the public minutes of the meeting of 19 March 2024 be approved as an accurate record of the proceedings.
Matters Arising Bus stop by the monument on London Bridge The Chairman stated he would be meeting TfL with an Officer and Deputy Lord to discuss options regarding moving the bus stop. He added that they could also discuss the repairs to the bridge. A Member raised concerns about the scaffolding causing congestion around the bus stop, tree pits which had been covered up and were collecting rubbish, lights out and the missing handrail. An Officer stated that these matters could be raised with TfL. He added that TfL were looking at designs for work to the bridge but also required funding. A Member raised concern about the lack of funding given that TfL had listed this as one of their top priorities.
Moorfields Highwalk The Chairman queried if the lifts and escalator were now running at all times and an Officer confirmed that the developer had returned them to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week operation. Officers would continue to monitor this. He added that the highwalk was still privately maintained until it was formally adopted at a future Planning & Transportation Committee meeting. |
St. Paul's Gyratory Transformation Project - Phase 1 (Greyfriars Square design) Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a Gateway 4C report which provided Members with details of the proposed final RIBA Stage 3 developed design for Greyfriars Square and sought Member approval to progress the design of the public space to RIBA Stage 4 (detailed design).
Members received a presentation on the proposal and were informed that closing the carriageway at King Edward Street and Newgate Street slip road would help create approximately 3,000 square metres of new public space. Work had been undertaken on developing the detailed design of the public space including the play feature and this had been overseen by a steering group.
At the Chairman’s request, particulate matter from the underground air vent had been monitored by an independent company. This concluded that there were no abnormal levels of particulate matter and the location identified was suitable for the play feature. In response to a Member’s question about how often the air quality standards were breached, the Officer stated he understood there were no breaches of particulate matter standards. He would check and confirm that the nitrogen oxide standards had not been breached.
Members were shown images of the proposed public space and were informed there would be a large paved area which could be used for occasional public events, large planters, rain gardens, permeable paving and a linear feature of Thames embankment granite through the space. There would also be quieter areas with seating and tables. The Officer stated that work had been taking place on a modification to the steps proposed at the southwest corner of 81 Newgate Street.
The Officer stated that the design of the play feature had involved the City Parent Carer Forum which included the parents of children with special educational needs or disabilities. He stated their input had been invaluable in designing the |
Pedestrian Priority Streets Programme - Chancery Lane Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director Environment concerning the results of the traffic experiment including the statutory and public consultation exercise and seeking Member approval for making the traffic changes permanent.
RESOLVED - That Members of the Sub-Committee approve Option 1 to make the experimental traffic measures permanent (restricting vehicles from travelling north on Chancery Lane north of the junction with Carey Street between 7.00am and 7.00pm, Monday to Friday, except taxis and vehicles requiring access to properties or parking and loading facilities in Chancery Lane). Subject to the Chancery Lane scheme receiving TMAN approval from TfL. |
Liverpool Street Area Healthy Streets Plan Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a Gateway 5 report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment on the Liverpool Street Area Healthy Streets Plan.
A Member stated that Liverpool Street Station was the busiest station in the country and was now directly linked to Heathrow Airport. He stated that in the future, there would be an increasing volume of passengers using the station and carrying luggage and that there was likely to be increased accessibility to the station concourse in the future which would increase the number of disabled people using the station. He raised concern that the plan did not include these increased numbers and raised concern that there would be a future need for vehicular access to the station. He added that there was a need to future-proof for this and make the plan sustainable in the long term. He stated that there should be research into the transport makeup of Liverpool Street changing in the future.
An Officer responded that the Healthy Streets Plans were deliberately high level. Much of the detailed work was still to take place. He added there had also been a planning application submitted for the station. Some changes had been made in response to feedback e.g. the references to potentially reducing the size of the rank on Liverpool Street had been removed so there was no presumption. He added that the type of taxi provision in the area would be looked at when there was more clarity on the potential future redevelopment of the station.
The Chairman stated that the opening of the Elizabeth Line was having a beneficial impact.
RESOLVED - That the Liverpool Street Area Healthy Streets Plan in Appendix 1 of the Officer report be adopted. |
Cool Streets and Greening programme update Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment which provided an update on the delivery of the Cool Streets and Greening programme (CSG).
The Chairman who had declared on interest in this item, left the room and the Deputy Chairman took the Chair for this item.
An Officer stated that the Cool Streets and Greening programme was part of the Climate Change Action Strategy. The programme was divided into four phases and the first three phases were well under way. The fourth phase involved sustainable drainage and 45 projects would be delivered as part of this. There were also some citywide projects for tree planting plus replanting city garden spaces with more resilient planting. It was anticipated that the project would be delivered by March 2026.
The Officer stated that the next priority project on the list was Temple Avenue which had been chosen as it had very little greening, there was demand for greening and the existing road closure to traffic presented an opportunity. The Officer stated there would be a cost increase for the Little Trinity Lane project to cover the costed risk provision diverting utilities for sustainable drainage and additional planting. Overall, the total budget remained unchanged.
In response to a question as to why the work on the Crescent had been paused, an Officer advised that this was due to the sale of the adjacent property and Officers had to ensure that the scheme was fully supported by all the adjacent property owners and if necessary was adapted to take account of any future development.
In response to a Member’s question about the increase in budget to the Little Trinity scheme, an Officer stated that there had been a difficulty in finding enough sites to spend the full allocation. Little Trinity Lane was |
City Greening and Biodiversity: London Wall/Moorgate Relandscaping Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a Gateway 5 report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment on the London Wall/Moorgate Relandscaping.
RESOLVED - That Members of the Sub-Committee:
1. Agree authorisation to initiate public realm works for the delivery of the London Wall/Moorgate Green space at a total cost of £612,335, to be funded from the Cool Streets and Greening Programme (£442,655) and Section 106 Contributions (£168,680); 2. Agree to the installation of Keats Bust under S115B of the Highways Act (1980), to commemorate the birthplace of the poet, and formally enter into the legal agreement with the funder and sculptor (see section 4); and 3. Agree to delegate the drawdown of the costed risk provision to the Chief Officer. |
Millennium Bridge House Area Improvements S278 Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment outlining the Millenium Bridge House Area Improvements S278.
RESOLVED - That Members of the Committee:
1. Approve the reconfiguration of the approved evaluation budget of £50K of which £29,812 remains to reach the next reporting stage. as summarised in Table 2: Adjustment Required to reach the next Gateway, in paragraph 3 of this report; 2. Request that the Gateway 5 report (Authority to Start Work), be delegated to the Director of the Built Environment, when final costs are known, provided detailed costs of the S278 works do not exceed the maximum limit of the agreed cost range by 10% (in accordance with project procedure); and 3. Agree that any future required allocation of Costed Risk Provision be agreed by the Executive Director Environment and the Chamberlain, and that the Executive Director Environment is delegated to authorise the future drawdown of funds from this register.
Globe View Walkway - Opening up and enhancing the Riverside Walk Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment, which provided an update on the opening up and enhancing of the Riverside Walk.
A Member spoke positively about the project and stated that the walkway was safe and enhanced by the good lighting.
RESOLVED - That Members of the Sub-Committee note the conclusions of the report and approve the closure of the Globe View Walkway project. |
Eastern City Cluster Phase 1 (landscaping) Report of the Town Clerk. Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report of the Town Clerk and Members were asked to formally close the project in respect of the Eastern City Cluster Phase 1 (landscaping).
RESOLVED - That the project in respect of the Eastern City Cluster Phase 1 (landscaping) be formally closed. |
Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment concerning the Bank Junction Improvements (All Change at Bank): Traffic Mix and Timing Review Conclusions.
The Chairman stated that this item would be discussed at the upcoming Planning and Transportation Committee.
RESOLVED - That Members of the Sub-Committee note the content of the report, which concludes the review of traffic and timing mix at Bank Junction. |
* Pedicabs (London) Bill 2024 Report of The Remembrancer. Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Remembrancer concerning the Pedicabs (London) Bill 2024 which empowered Transport for London (TfL) to make regulations concerning pedicabs operating in Greater London.
In response to a Member’s question about timelines, the Officer stated that there had not been communications with TfL as there was a strict line on correspondence communications in the pre-election period. It was expected that TfL would provide an update in the coming months.
* Outstanding References Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report of the Town Clerk concerning Outstanding References. The Chairman stated that there would be reports on Dockless Vehicles and Bank Junction to the Planning and Transportation Committee later in the week.
An Officer confirmed that the reopening of Old Jewry was still scheduled for the end of June 2024.
The Chairman requested that Dockless Vehicles and Bank Junction be removed from the Outstanding References list. Old Jewry would remain on the list. The Chairman also requested an update on Ironmonger Lane.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Sub Committee Minutes: A Member asked for an update on the legal advice being sought on using the highway for sporting purposes. An Officer stated that the advice was expected imminently. Members would then be updated as would the applicant who had triggered this and the Destination City team. The Officer added that if an event lasted up to three days, it sat within existing legislation. The Officer stated that if the advice gave freedom of action, there would be a process for evaluating and giving permission and this would depend on the advice of the City Solicitor. One of the challenges could be that Officers might not have that delegated authority to approve events, which could then require Officers to seek delegation from the Sub-Committee or for the Sub-Committee to become an approving authority. Work would take place to consider the benefits and disbenefits of each request. A Member stated that many of the events were being funded by Business Improvement Districts and third-parties and event organisers would need sufficient notice to run events in Summer 2024.
The Chairman stated that the heat map was a good way to evaluate the impact in terms of benefits and disbenefits and meeting Destination City objectives could be added into the model.
The Officer stated that once the legal advice had been received and considered, Members of the Sub-Committee would be advised of the process and way forward.
The Officer confirmed that screens were covered under an existing licensing process.
A Member commented on riverside lights which were not working. An Officer stated this would be looked into and Officers would try and resolve the power issue with Network Rail. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There was no urgent business to be considered. |