Agenda item

Gateway 2 - Project Proposal: Combined Section 278 Project Initiation Report

Report of the Executive Director Environment.


Members considered a consolidated report of the Executive Director Environment, regarding five Section 278 Project Initiation Reports (Gateway 2).


RESOLVED, that Members:-


1.     That project budgets are approved for each project as set out in the tables in Section 2;

2.     Note the total estimated costs of the projects (excluding risk) as set out in the Project Briefings.

3.     Agree that the Corporate Programme Manager, in consultation with the Chairman of the Operational Property and Projects Sub Committee and Chief Officer as necessary, is to decide whether any project issues or decisions that fall within the remit of paragraph 45 of the ‘City of London Project Procedure – Oct 2018’ (Changes to Projects: General is to be delegated to Chief Officer or escalated to committee(s);

4.     Delegate authority to the Executive Director Environment to approve budget adjustments, above the existing authority within the project procedures and in consultation with the Chamberlain, between budget lines if this is within the approved total project budget amounts;

5.     Delegate to the Executive Director Environment, in consultation with the Chamberlain, authority to further increase or amend the project budgets in the future (above the level of the existing delegated authority) should any increase be fully funded by the Developer.

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