Agenda item

Mansion House Station Environs - Little Trinity Lane Public Realm Enhancements

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment, outlining the project aims to deliver an enhanced public space through increased greening, improved seating, and accessibility improvements plus additional design objectives to maximise the delivery of climate resilience measures.


RESOLVED - That the Sub-Committee


1.         Approve design option 2 to be taken forward to the next gateway;

2.         Approve an additional budget of £37,600 from the 39-53 Cannon Street S106 to reach the next Gateway, thus increasing the available project budget to £177,607;

3.         Note the revised total estimated cost of the project at £650,000-£780,00 excluding risk;

4.         Delegate the approval of a Costed Risk Provision to the Interim Executive Director, Environment should one be sought at Gateway 5;

5.         Delegate approval to undertake the statutory consultation that may be required in relation to the reviewed position of the Doctor’s parking bay and disabled bays, to the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


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