Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.
The Committee received a report from the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services in respect of the BEO’s engagement with Spike Global on an initial proposal to develop a bespoke app for the Barbican Estate.
The Assistant Director advised Members that the Altair report recommended the improved use of technology and having a resident portal would help to achieve this. The BEO had entered commercial negotiations with Spike Global and they had managed to secure a “sliding scale” of costs in its first year and he deemed it appropriate for the app to be reviewed by the BRC and RCC after one year before making any further commitments. It was noted that colleagues within Corporate IT and CoLP did not have any concerns around GDPR and data handling at the time of this meeting.
A Member asked if it was possible for WhatsApp to be used as a tool for resident engagement, however the Assistant Director advised that WhatsApp was not the correct communication service that could assist with the work done by the BEO. This included work such as postal handling and request for repairs.
In respect of data handling, a Member raised concerns regarding the multi factor authentication process since she believed this could inhibit some residents from using the app. It was explained that Spike Global shall be committed to hosting a series of events where they shall provide support to those in setting up the Barbican App. The BEO were aware that some residents may find difficulties using modern technology and they shall assist where possible. However, these residents were identified to be in the minority and therefore it was recommended that the project should be strongly considered. Members were satisfied with the proposal of a walkthrough involving a cross-section of Barbican residents prior to the app’s official launch.
The Assistant Director advised the Committee that the Barbican App shall be able to create sub-group for those who could be contacted via email instead of app notifications. He highlighted that in its infancy, the app shall not be used to its fullest extent since focus should be maintained on the simplicity of the app in helping to manage functions such as s repair requests. However, eventually it was expected that the Barbican App could interact with service charge payments and be incorporated with other systems such as Civica.
A Member was concerned that the Barbican App could cause job losses within the BEO. The Assistant Director advised the Committee that there were no job losses were expected since the app was being introduced as method to support staff in delivering a better service to residents.
RESOLVED, that – Members of the Barbican Residential Committee approve the proposal listed in the report.
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