Report of the Commissioner.
The Committee considered the Commissioner’s quarterly community engagement update.
Alderman Edhem joined the meeting at 11.20am.
The following matters were raised:-
· In response to a question from a Member on the community engagement review and IAG consultation it was noted that an update would be provided by the Commissioner.
· On anti-social behaviour (ASB), the Deputy Chairman said that this issue was not expressed as a priority in the Policing Plan and that the next review should include details of how ASB was being dealt with. It was noted that officers were aware of vulnerability issues relating to persons sleeping rough, with suitable help made available, and that where criminality was taking place, particularly with repeat offenders, appropriate enforcement measures were available and used. The Assistant Commissioner undertook to consider the ASB issue at the next Plan update and provide further details of action taken.
· Another Member also asked for details of the removal of the two established homeless encampments referred to in the paper and it was noted that this information would be circulated.
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