Meeting attendance

Thursday, 11th July, 2019 9.00 am, Board of Trustees of the City of London Academies Trust

Venue:   Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall

Contact:    Kerry Nicholls

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Andrew Stratton McMurtrie Chairman Present
Roy Blackwell Vice-Chair Present
Peter Gordon Bennett Committee Member Present
Tijs Broeke Committee Member Present
Ann Holmes Committee Member Present
Clare James, Deputy Committee Member Present
Rehana Banu Ameer Co-Optee Present
Edward Benzecry Co-Optee Present
Dawn Elliott Co-Optee Present
Lucas Green Co-Optee Present
Mark Emmerson Officer In attendance
Claire Hersey Officer In attendance
Martin Simpson Officer In attendance
Kerry Nicholls Officer In attendance
Smith Umoren Officer In attendance
Katyryna Zamulinskyj Officer In attendance