Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 17th September, 2025 1.00 pm, Investment Committee of the City Bridge Foundation Board

Venue:   Committee Rooms, West Wing,Guildhall and via Microsoft Teams (Private Hybrid Meeting)

Contact:    Joseph Anstee

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Henrietta Martin-Fisher Officer Expected
Henry Nicholas Almroth Colthurst, Deputy Chairman Expected
Simon Pryke (Alderman) Deputy Chair Expected
Simon Duckworth, Deputy OBE DL Committee Member Expected
Alison Gowman CBE (Alderman) Committee Member Expected
Sandeep Bhamra Co-Optee Expected
Michael Brodtman Co-Optee Expected
Hannah Marshall Co-Optee Expected
David Farnsworth Officer Expected
Simon Latham Officer Expected
Karen Atkinson Officer Expected
Julia Megone Officer Expected
Sacha Rose-Smith Officer Expected
Tim Wilson Officer Expected
Robert Murphy Officer Expected
Andrew Cross Officer Expected
Kate Limna Officer Expected
Anne Pietsch Officer Expected
Amelia Ehren Officer Expected
Joseph Anstee Secretary Expected
Keyana Kasujja Officer Expected
Amneet Nijjor Officer Expected
Paul Monaghan Officer Expected