Anne Corbett

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Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 24/03/2022 - 19/03/2025

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

During the period 27 November 2023 to 10 March 2024, Natasha Lloyd-Owen will be on maternity leave. Alderwoman Susan Pearson has appointed Anne Corbett to act in the role of Ward Deputy for Cripplegate during this period.


Anne Corbett lives on the Golden Lane Estate and was elected as a Labour councillor in March 2022.


She is a retired headteacher and education consultant specializing in SEND, safeguarding and school exclusions. Since 2013 she has worked part-time as a Head of Outreach for Islington schools.


Anne’s key focus areas are resident engagement, social housing, children and young people, and climate change.


In all matters of social policy Anne is committed to diversity and the inclusion of minority groups in the City of London’s decision-making processes.