Jennette Rachel Newman (Alderwoman)

Profile image for Jennette Rachel Newman (Alderwoman)

Title: Alderwoman

Ward: Walbrook

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Term of Office

  • 07/07/2022 -

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Additional Information

Jennette has over twenty years of experience in the legal and insurance sector, focusing in the last 15 years at a leadership level on business innovation, operational change, and excellence in client service delivery and team development.

Jennette has held senior business roles Clyde & Co, BLM, Ince and HF law with responsibility for operational transformation and modernisation, and sector growth; both in respect of internal business-related strategy and externally in market and client-facing roles, covering client delivery models and strategic new business sector penetration.

Jennette is a recognised international casualty and contentious sports lawyer with experience in claims, defence litigation, and coverage, advising insurers, reinsurers, intermediaries, corporates, and other risk carriers on all aspects of their claims, investigation process, litigation, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). She has a wealth of experience dealing with highly sensitive multi-party, multi-jurisdictional, and high-value and complex claims.

In 2022 Jennette was elected Alderman of the City of London for Walbrook Ward. She is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Insurers. 

Jennette graduated from Liverpool University with a Bachelor of Law degree and has practiced in the City of London since 1994.