Venue: Virtual meeting. The meeting can be viewed at:
Contact: Kerry Nicholls Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies. |
Declarations Minutes: Roy Blackwell declared that he was the Chair of the Local Governing Body of the City of London Academy Highgate Hill.
Tijs Broeke declared that he was the Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors of the City Academy, Hackney.
Dawn Elliott declared that she was the Chair of the Board of Governors of the City Academy, Hackney.
Lucas Green declared that he was the Chair of the Local Advisory Board of Galleywall Primary City of London Academy.
Caroline Haines declared that she was the Chair of the Local Governing Body of Newham Collegiate Sixth Form.
Ann Holmes declared that she was the Chair of the Local Governing Body of the City of London Primary Academy Islington. |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for 2019/20 in line with Article 82. Minutes: An election for Chair was conducted in line with Article 82. Tijs Broeke, being the only Trustee willing to serve, was elected Chair for the remainder of the academic year.
The Chair led the Board of Trustees in thanking Andrew McMurtrie, the outgoing Chair, for his outstanding leadership of the City of London Academies Board of Trustees. Ann Holmes would also be standing down as a Trustee shortly and the Chair offered his thanks for her excellent contribution. It was noted that Caroline Haines was attending the meeting as an Observer with a view to becoming a Sponsor Trustee for the 2020-21 academic year and would bring a wealth of experience of education to the Board of Trustees. |
To agree the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 19 March 2020. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 19 March 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
Committee Minutes Minutes: |
Minutes of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee PDF 136 KB To receive the public minutes of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 1 July 2020 (To Follow). Minutes: RESOLVED, that the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 19 March 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
Minutes of the Standards and Accountability Committee PDF 48 KB To receive the public minutes of the Standards and Accountability Committee meeting held on 30 April 2020. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 19 March 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
Appointment of Co-opted Trustee PDF 77 KB Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: Trustees considered a report of the Clerk regarding the reappointment of a Co-opted Trustee for a four-year term.
Trustees noted that the Trustee had made an excellent contribution to the Board of Trustees during her four-year term and served as the Chair of the Board of Governors of the City Academy, Hackney which was anticipated to join the City of London Academies Trust for the 2020-21 academic year.
RESOLVED, that Dawn Elliott be reappointed as a Co-opted Trustee of the City of London Academies Trust for a term of four years commencing 9 July 2020. |
Policies for the Trust PDF 96 KB Report of the Chief Financial Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: Trustees considered a report of the Chief Financial Officer presenting policies for the Trust for approval and the following point was made:
· The following updated policies be approved:
· Policy for Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions.
· The Expenses Claim Policy be re-drafted and considered at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on 3 September 2020 for approval. |
CoLAT Academies Development Programme - Update PDF 108 KB Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Trustees are asked to note five non-public appendices at Agenda Item 16. Additional documents:
· A Trustee reported that the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee had discussed outstanding matters on property and pensions issues at its meeting on 1 July 2020, and had been advised that work was underway to resolve these, including the transfer of the schools’ leases to the Trust. The freeholders of both schools had given consent for the transfer of leases and this work was on target to be completed by the end of July 2020, when the Department for Education would be approached for final sign-off. The pension scheme liabilities of the two academies would be underwritten by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Updates on agreeing the transfer of the leases would be reported to the Chairs of the Board of Trustees and the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee when available.
· Condition surveys of the two schools had identified that they were in generally good condition, but a separate fire risk assessment would be completed for both academies. The Trust’s School Condition Allocation funding would increase for future years to fund capital works across the Trust’s increasing number of academies.
· In considering the size of the Local Governing Body of the City of London Academy Islington, Trustees noted how this varied from the Trust’s recommended model. The Chief Executive Officer suggested that the Trust put its case for a smaller Governance model at the annual meeting with the strategic partners. A Governance Self-Review was underway across the Trust which |
School Places Demand Projections PDF 117 KB Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: Trustees considered a report of the Director of Academy Development on school places demand projections and the following point was made:
RESOLVED, that the demand for school places for primary and secondary schools in relation to existing City of London academies, and potential further academy expansion be noted. |
Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Board Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any Other Business Minutes: There was one item of other business.
The Chair expressed gratitude to Trustees and the CoLAT Central Team for the excellent work undertaken over the 2019-20 academic year. The Chair gave particular thanks to both teaching and support staff within the Trust’s academies for their work in keeping schools open and helping both pupils and their local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION – That the public be excluded for the remaining items of business as they are likely to involve discussion on matters deemed commercially sensitive to the City of London Academies Trust. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the public be excluded from the following items of business. |
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2020. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
Non-Public Committee Minutes Minutes: |
Non-Public Minutes of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee To receive the non-public minutes of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 1 July 2020 (To Follow). Minutes: RESOLVED, that the non-public minutes of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 1 July 2020 be received. |
Non-Public Minutes of the Standards and Accountability Committee To receive the non-public minutes of the Standards and Accountability Committee meeting held on 30 April 2020. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the non-public minutes of the Standards and Accountability Committee meeting held on 30 April 2020 be received. |
Outstanding Items Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: Trustees considered a report of the Clerk setting out outstanding actions from previous meetings. |
CoLAT Academies Development Programme - Update - Non-Public Appendices Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Non-Public appendices to be read in conjunction with Agenda Item 8. Minutes: |
Appointments to Local Governing Bodies and Appointment of Chairs to Local Governing Bodies Report of the Town Clerk.
Trustees are asked to note five confidential appendices at Agenda Item 33. Minutes: |
CEO Executive Summary Report of the Chief Executive Officer. Minutes: Trustees considered an Executive Summary of the Chief Executive Officer. |
COVID-19 Update and Recovery Plan Report of the Chief Executive Officer. Minutes: |
Scheme of Delegation Annual Update Report of the Chief Executive Officer. Minutes: |
Strategic Plan Review 2020-24 Report of the Chief Executive Officer. Minutes: |
Chief Financial Officer's Update Report of the Chief Financial Officer.
Trustees are asked to note two confidential appendices at Agenda Item 34. Minutes: Trustees considered an update report of the Chief Financial Officer. |
Human Resources Update Report of the Human Resources Director. Minutes: Trustees considered an update report of the Human Resources Director. |
CoLAT Schools Safeguarding Monitoring Update Report of the Chief Executive Officer.
Trustees are asked to note confidential information at Agenda Item 35. Minutes: |
Trust Schools' Calculated Grades Report of the Chief Executive Officer. Minutes: |
Pre-Apprenticeship Provision Update Report of the Chief Executive Officer. Minutes: |
ICT Update Report of the Director of Information and Communication Technology. Minutes: Trustees considered an update report of the Director of Information Communication and Technology. |
Estates and Facilities Update on Trust Schools Report of the Director of Estates and Facilities. Minutes: |
Non-Public Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Board Minutes: There were no non-public questions. |
Any Other Business that the Chair considers Urgent and Trustees agree should be considered when the Public are Excluded Minutes: There was no other business. |
Confidential Minutes To agree the confidential minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2020. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the confidential minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
Confidential Committee Minutes Minutes: |
Confidential Minutes of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee To receive the confidential minutes of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 1 July 2020 (To Follow). Minutes: RESOLVED, that the confidential minutes of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 1 July 2020 be received. |
Confidential Minutes of the Standards and Accountability Committee on 30 April 2020 To receive the confidential minutes of the Standards and Accountability Committee meeting held on 30 April 2020. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the confidential minutes of the Standards and Accountability Committee meeting held on 30 April 2020 be received. |
Appointments to Local Governing Bodies and Appointment of Chairs to Local Governing Bodies - Confidential Appendices Report of the Town Clerk.
Confidential appendices to be read in conjunction with Agenda Item 17. Minutes: |
Chief Financial Officer's Update - Extract from Non-Public Report Confidential appendices to be read in conjunction with Agenda Item 22. Minutes: |
CoLAT Schools Safeguarding Monitoring Update - Extract from Non Public Report Confidential information to be read in conjunction with Agenda Item 24. Minutes: |
Human Resources Update - Confidential Staffing Update Minutes: |