Contact: Julie Mayer 020 7 332 14310 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies. |
Member Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: There were no declarations. |
To approve the minutes of the Nominations Sub Committee (of the Audit and Risk Management Committee) held on 17th July 2018. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2018 were approved. |
Terms of the Audit and Risk Management Committee Members Members are asked to note the current terms and expiry dates of the Audit and Risk Management Committee Members. NB: The Composition of the Committee was amended in 2017 and, from this date onwards, Members can only serve three consecutive 3-year terms. Minutes: Members noted the current terms of Audit and Risk Management Committee Members, noting that Alderman Nick Anstee and Deputy Chairman, Alexander Barr’s terms were due to expire in 2019. The Town Clerk agreed to check Mr Barr’s term and, subsequent to the meeting, advised that he was appointed at the end of 2017, for 2 years, for a term expiring in 2019.
Items for inclusion in the Committee's Skills Audit Members are asked to note CIPFA’s Practical Guidance for Local Authorities and Police Committees (2018 Edition) in respect of the core areas of knowledge and skills framework and to consider those items they would like to include in the forthcoming Skills Audit. Minutes: Members considered the CIPFA Guidelines in respect of criteria for inclusion in a skills audit, together with an example produced internally, for another City Corporation Committee. During the discussion, Members agreed which criteria might be included in the skills audit questionnaire; being mindful of excluding ‘non-accountants’, as the Committee had benefitted from a diverse skills mix, evidenced from the recent intake of new Court Members. Members also agreed on the importance of listening, as well as general communicating skills, and the need for political awareness. There was also an acceptance of a learning curve for all new Members, and the availability of induction sessions which Members had found very helpful.
Members are asked to consider the current job description and person specification for External Members and consider possible amendments or updates. Minutes: Members noted the current role description and person specification for an External Member and made some suggestions for updating and aligning it to the CIFA Guidelines discussed above. It was suggested there be some flexibility in respect of ‘former’ Court Members and City Corporation Employees; possibly amending this to ‘recent’.
The Town Clerk agreed to draft a skills audit questionnaire and re-draft the person specification, for Members further consideration. Member agreed that the outcome of the Skills Audit would inform the ‘desirable’ criteria on the person specification. There was a further suggestion that this should also align with the broader direction of travel of the City Corporation.
Members then agreed the following timelines
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Sub Committee Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other Business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There were no item |