Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms 3 & 4 - 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall. View directions

Contact: Lorraine Brook
tel. no.: 020 7332 1409  Email:

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Aldermen Nicholas Anstee, John Garbutt, Susan Langley and William Russell.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in Respect of Items on the Agenda


There were no declarations.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 162 KB

To approve the public minutes of the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 19th October 2021.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 3.


The Committee considered the minutes of the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 19th October 2021.


The Chairman then took the opportunity to congratulate Alderman Gregory Jones on becoming a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at St Stephen’s House, University of Oxford.


Matters Arising


Electoral Registration and deadline for entry onto the ward Lists All Aldermen were encouraged to profile the registration period and encourage business voters and residents to submit their registration requests in good time ahead of close of play on 16th December 2021. In response to a question regarding registration levels to date, the Town Clerk confirmed that the data suggested that we were ahead of where we were last year. With regards to non-responder lists which had been provided to each Member, concerns were expressed regarding the data which was significantly out of date and it this ultimately hampered all efforts to enhance registration, particularly amongst City businesses.


A query was raised regarding registration by a business even though the premises was currently vacated due to refurbishment. The Comptroller and City Solicitor advised that if people could demonstrate that their principle place of work (irrelevant of work from home) was in the City, registration was permitted.


Draft Bill for an Act of Common Council

It was noted that the draft Bill, which had been circulated by the Town Clerk ahead of the meeting, would be submitted to the Policy and Resources Committee on 16th December 2021 and thereafter submitted to the Court of Common Council in January for it’s first and second readings. As Members were aware, the Bill would address both the issue of eligibility to be an Alderman and also enhance the number of Aldermen who could preside over Aldermanic elections in place of the Lord Mayor, as

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Presentation - Heart of the City

Maggie Berry OBE (Director, The Heart of the City) to be heard.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 4.


Maggie Berry (Director, Heart of the City) provided an update for the Committee on the current priorities for Heart of the City.


Members were advised about Heart of the City’s new climate action course for small and medium sized business (SMEs) operating in the Square Mile, free to SMEs and funded by the City of London Corporation. Members were advised that 69% of SMEs did not know how to measure their carbon footprint so there was a vital role to be played in supporting SME’s to address what they are doing to mitigate climate change. This included the support of large City-based businesses to help the SME community and supply chains to achieve the net zero target. It was noted that Climate for SMEs: 4 Steps to Action was intended to get SMEs ready to start their net zero journey in four modules with workshops and insight sessions introducing them to sustainability and climate change experts to guide them so they could develop a net zero action plan and make a commitment to being net zero by 2040. Businesses with less than 250 employees that were based in or had substantial operations in the City of London were eligible to sign up to the course. Members were advised that information about the climate course was available to share online at and applications to join the course could be made via 


In response to a query about the number of SMEs that were signed up, Ms Berry commented that details could be circulated after the meeting. It was noted that some SMEs had signed up but fell into the category of not being located in the City but having more than 50% of their operations in the City. Having outlined the SME outreach activity that had already been

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Appointment to Policy and Resources Committee

To consider the appointment of Alderman and Sheriff Nicholas Lyons to serve on the Policy and Resources Committee.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 5.


The Committee considered the appointment of Alderman and Sheriff Nicholas Lyons to serve on the Policy and Resources Committee.


Resolved:- That Alderman and Sheriff Nicholas Lyons to serve on the Policy and Resources Committee henceforth.


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Report of Action Taken - Extension to Waiver: Livery Companies and Guilds pdf icon PDF 154 KB

A report of the Town Clerk relative to action taken in accordance with the Court of Aldermen’s urgency procedures since the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen on 19th October 2021.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 6.


The Committee received a report of action taken by the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and the Chairman of the Court of Aldermen, in accordance with Standing Order No. 46 (Court of Aldermen), relative to an extension to the waiver previously issued by the Court of Aldermen to enable Livery Companies and Guilds to conduct their business on a virtual basis until 31 March 2022.


It was noted that in relation to this matter an item had been placed on the agenda at item 16. However, the Magistracy and Livery Sub-Committee would be reviewing the position at its next meeting on 16th December 2021 and thereafter the General Purposes Committee would consider future guidance to the Livery and Guilds in respect of the conduct of their business beyond 31 March 2022.


Resolved:- That –

(i)            the report of action taken be noted; and

(ii)           the Committee note that the longer-term position in respect of the conduct of Livery Company and Guild business beyond 31st March 2022 shall be considered at the next meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen on 8th February 2022.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Report of Action Taken: Worshipful Company of Dyers - Supplemental Charter pdf icon PDF 140 KB

A report of the Town Clerk relative to action taken since the last meeting in respect of the Court of Aldermen’s approval of a draft Supplemental Charter for the Worshipful Company of Dyers.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 7.


The Committee received a report of action taken by the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and the Magistracy and Livery Sub-Committee, and the Chairman of the Court of Aldermen, in accordance with Standing Order No. 46 (Court of Aldermen), relative to approval of a Supplemental Charter and a Schedule to the Supplemental Charter for the Worshipful Company of Dyers.


Resolved:- That the report of action taken be noted.


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee


There were no questions.


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Mayoral and Shrieval Expenses - Appointment of the Aldermanic Deputation 2022-23

To appoint three Aldermen to serve on the Aldermanic Deputation (Mayoral and Shrieval Expenses) for 2022/23.


In 2021/2022 Aldermen Sir David Wootton, Sir Andrew Parmley and the late Sir Roger Gifford served on the Deputation.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 9.


The Committee considered appointments to the Mayoral and Shrieval Expenses – Aldermanic Deputation for 2022/2023.


Resolved:- That Alderman Sir David Wootton (Chairman, General Purposes Committee of Aldermen), Alderman William Russell (Deputy Chairman, General Purposes Committee of Aldermen) and Alderman Sir Andrew Parmley (Chairman, Nominations Committee of Aldermen) be appointed to serve on the Mayoral and Shrieval Expenses – Aldermanic Deputation for 2022/2023.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Livery Cloth - Award of Annual Grant

To award the annual Livery Cloth grant (£1,700).

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 10.


The Committee considered the award of the annual Livery Cloth grant.


Resolved:- That the annual Livery Cloth grant of £1,700 be awarded to Providence Row.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Future Meeting Management Arrangements

The Chairman to be heard.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 11.


The Chairman sought the views of the Committee in respect of its future meeting arrangements, specifically whether Members wished to continue the current practice of holding public meetings of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and the Court of Aldermen on a hybrid basis (with physical or virtual participation by Members).   Those present expressed support for a continuation of the current arrangements, as provided for in the Court of Aldermen’s Standing Orders.


Resolved:- That, following a review by the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen, public meetings of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and the Court of Aldermen shall continue to operate on a hybrid basis with either physical or virtual participation by Members.  

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Any Other Business that the Chairman considers Urgent


There was no other business.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Exclusion of the Public

MOTION - That, in accordance with the Court of Aldermen’s Disclosure Arrangement (Standing Order 25), the public shall be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen have determined, having had due regard to the Disclosure Arrangement, that disclosure should not be permitted.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 13.


Resolved:- That, in accordance with the Court of Aldermen’s Disclosure Arrangement (Standing Order 25), the public shall be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen have determined, having had due regard to the Disclosure Arrangement, that disclosure should not be permitted.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Non-Public Minutes

To approve the non-public minutes of the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 19th October 2021.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 14.


The Committee considered the non-public minutes of the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 19th October 2021.


Resolved:- That the non-public minutes of the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 19th October 2021 be approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Non-Public Outstanding Actions List

To note the non-public outstanding actions in respect of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen’s work programme.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 15.


The Committee considered the Non-Public Outstanding Actions List which had been updated since the last meeting on 19th October 2021.


Resolved:- That –

(i)     the Non-Public Outstanding Actions List be noted; and

(ii)    that completed items be removed from the list.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Review of Waiver: Conduct of Virtual Business by Livery Companies and Guilds

The Committee is asked to consider the guidance issued to Livery Companies and Guilds in April 2020 in response to Covid-19 and the conduct of business on a virtual basis.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 16.


The Chairman advised the Committee that the Magistracy and Livery Sub-Committee would review the issue of conduct of virtual business at its next meeting on 16th December 2021 and thereafter the General Purposes Committee would consider future guidance to the Livery and Guilds in respect of the conduct of their business beyond 31 March 2022.



 ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Non-Public Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee


There were no questions.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent and which the Committee agrees should be considered whilst the Public are Excluded


With the Chairman’s consent, one item of urgent business was considered whilst the public were excluded.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


CONFIDENTIAL ITEM: Proposals for the Organisational Design of the Office of the Lord Mayor and Mansion House

A confidential report of the Executive Director, Private Secretary to the Lord Mayor relative to proposals for the organisational design of the Office of the Lord Mayor and Mansion House. 

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 19.


The Committee considered and approved a confidential report of the Executive Director, Private secretary to the Lord Mayor relative to proposals for the organisational design of the Office of the Lord Mayor and Mansion House.


Resolved:- That the report be approved.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.