Venue: Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Richard Holt Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apolagies were received from Sir Craig Mackey and Andrew Lentin. |
To agree the draft public minutes and non-public summary of the Police Authority Board meeting held on the 2nd of May. Minutes: The Board considered the public minutes of the previous meeting of the Police Authority Board held on the 2nd of May 2023.
RESOLVED– That the minutes of the meeting of the Police Authority Board held on 2nd of May were approved as an accurate record. |
STRATEGIC PLANNING & PERFORMANCE (POLICE) COMMITTEE draft minutes PDF 126 KB To receive the draft minutes of the Strategic Planning & Performance Committee meeting held on 3rd of May. Minutes: The Board received the public minutes of the Strategic Planning and Performance Committee meeting held on the 6th of February 2023.
RESOLVED- That the draft minutes be noted. |
Outstanding References PDF 111 KB Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out Outstanding References from previous meetings of the Committee.
The Board were informed that the Police Authority Board’s Handbook would be finalised before the next meeting of the Board and there would be update on the CCTV coverage in the Barbican estate provided at the next meeting of the Board.
Officers updated the Board on the preparations being made by the Corporation and the Force on the Terrorism (Protection of premises) draft bill and confirmed that a full update would be provided to the Board later in the year. Replying to a Member’s query it Officers confirmed that impression was that the preparations were in a good place.
The Board were also updated on the Independent Advisory and Scrutiny Group noting that the prospective new membership was currently going through the appropriate vetting procedures.
Chair's Public Update PDF 142 KB Report of the Chair. Minutes: The Board received the Chair’s public update.
The Chair highlighted to the Board that with reference to the provisional revenue outturn report for 22-23 received at the Resource Risk and Estates Committee the underspend in the budget was due to a one time windfall payment of rate rebate with potential uses of the four and a half million surplus to be assessed further by the Resource, Risk and Estates Committee.
In addition, the Chair informed the Board that the suicide prevention working group had met to discuss a Corporation wide approach to suicide prevention with Officers adding that a request for further resources for the suicide prevention work would be considered by the Policy and Resources Committee. Following a query from a Member the work of the Safer City Partnership regarding suicide prevention was outlined noting the establishment of specific working groups to focus specifically on certain policy areas.
RESOLVED- That the update be noted.
Commissioner's Update PDF 298 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received the Commissioner’s update.
The Board were updated on City of London Police’s support of the policing of the King’s Coronation confirming that there were no arrests made by City of London Police officers and no formal complaints received regarding their conduct. In addition, the launch of the national fraud strategy was outlined to the Board and the economic crime Member Briefing Session on the 28th of June was confirmed. A Member in attendance questioned the advice provided by City of London Police Officers at the Coronation and requested further information on the training Officers receive on the relevant public order legislation. The Deputy Chair expressed caution on the perspective the social media can provide noting that these are often partial and incomplete representations. Officers commented that City of London and Metropolitan Police had worked well on Operation Orb with months of detailed planning in advance of the operation but that a full debrief would be completed by the Metropolitan Police which would include any lessons learnt being incorporated into training as appropriate. In addition, it was confirmed that, whilst all details of the debrief may not be disclosable, the key lessons learnt would be shared with the Board.
The Deputy Chair updated the Board on his attendance at the Wilton Park summit Economic Crime Conference noting that the central element was that the new Fraud Strategy would not be enough to effectively combat fraud and economic crime without effective partnership working and increased funding with appropriate prioritisation by Police and Crime Commissioners.
The Board discussed the need for the Corporation to develop a policy on the issue of money laundering in the City of London to ensure effective partnership working on this important matter. It was noted Government had highlighted amount of illegal money in the |
APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE POLICE AUTHORITY BOARD COMMITTEES Minutes: The Board considered a number of appointments to the Police Authority Board Committees.
The Chair suggested that, further to the amended Standing Order 27(4), the co-opted appointments be made for a period of two years further to which the Board approved this suggestion. |
Appointment of the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee's Deputy Chair Minutes: The Board considered the appointment of a Deputy Chair for the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee.
There was one expression of interest from Alderman Professor Emma Edhem who was accordingly appointed.
RESOLVED- That Alderman Professor Emma Edhem be appointed as the Deputy Chair of the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee for the year ensuing.
Up to Two Co-Opted appointments to be made from the Membership of the Court of Common Council to the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee Minutes: The Board considered the appointment of two co-opted Members from the membership of the Court of Common Council to the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee.
One expression of interest was received from Jason Groves who was accordingly appointed. The Board also agreed to appoint Florence Keelson-Anfu subject to her willingness to serve.
RESOLVED- That Jason Goves and Florence Keelson-Anfu, subject to her willingness to serve, be appointed as co-opted members on the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee for a period of two years.
Up to Two Co-Opted appointments to be made from the Membership of the Court of Common Council to the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee Minutes:
The Board considered the appointment of two co-opted Members from the membership of the Court of Common Council to the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee.
Four expressions of interest were received from Alpa Raja, Naresh Sonpar, Deputy Madush Gupta and Jason Goves and, therefore, the Board completed an indicative vote on these appointments. Following the result of this indicative ballot the Chair recommended the appointment of Jason Groves, Naresh Sonpar and Deputy Madush Gupta. The Board approved these appointments.
RESOLVED- That Jason Groves, Naresh Sonpar and Deputy Madush Gupta be appointed as co-opted members to the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee for a period of two year.
Up to Two Co-Opted appointments to be made from the Membership of the Court of Common Council to the Strategic Planning and Performance Committee Minutes: The Board considered the appointment of two co-opted Members from the membership of the Court of Common Council Strategic Planning and Performance Committee.
Two expressions of interests were received from Paul Singh and John Griffiths who were accordingly appointed.
RESOLVED- That Paul Singh and John Griffiths be appointed as co-opted members to the Strategic Planning and Performance Committee for a period of two years.
Up to Two Co-Opted appointments to be made from the Membership of the Court of Common Council to the Resource, Risk and Estates Committee Minutes: The Board considered the appointment of two co-opted Members from the membership of the Court of Common Council to the Resource Risk and Estates Committee.
One expression of interests was received from Paul Singh who was accordingly appointed.
RESOLVED- That Paul Singh be appointed as a co-opted member to the Resource, Risk and Estates Committee for a period of two years.
Member Governance Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Delivery PDF 202 KB Report of the Chamberlain. Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Chamberlain on the Member Governance Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Delivery.
The Board agreed that Dawn Wright and Alderman Timothy Hailes be appointed as the Police Authority Board’s representative on the ERP Member Steering Group.
RESOLVED- That: - I. The Board be endorsed the Digital Services Committee as the lead committee for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution; and II. That the Board endorsed the continuation of the ERP Member Steering Group, comprising of members from each Committee/Board for strategic oversight of the responsibilities undertaken by the ERP Project Board.
Vision Zero Plan 2023 – 2028 PDF 221 KB Report of the Executive Director of the Environment Department. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Executive Director Environment on the Vision Zero Plan 2023-2028.
The Board questioned whether the aim to eliminate all transport related deaths and serious injuries from the streets of the Square Mile by 2040 was a realistic target and commented that there was not enough detail in the Plan on e-scooters. In addition, the Board expressed concern that the Plan placed an increased enforcement burden on the Force without the required allocation of further resources.
Following the Board’s discussion on the importance of education on traffic regulation the Chair requested that Officers complete the review of relevant bylaws and how they were enforced in practice.
Officers explained the partnership approach to managing traffic enforcement, noting that enforcement is, somewhat, a question of resource with education and the design of the road network as contributing factors.
Responding to the Board concerns regarding the use of suggested speed limits the advisory approach to speed limits was explained noting education was seen as important as enforcement with some of these steps committed listed in the report.
The Board agreed that it was not content to approve the report as presented and that consideration of the recommendations should be deferred until an updated report, addressing the concerns raised by Members, could be brought to a future meeting of the Board. The Chair suggested that an informal joint meeting of the Police Authority Board and Planning and Transportation Committee to discuss the Zero Vision Plan 2023-2028 be arranged.
RESOLVED- That the report be deferred.
Quarterly Community Engagement Update PDF 237 KB Joint report of the Commissioner and Executive Director of Children and Community Services Department. Minutes: The Board received a joint report of the Commissioner of Executive Director Children and Community Services on the Quarterly Community Engagement Update.
The Chair observed that the engagement needs to be appropriately forward looking and strategic.
The Board commented that further structure on the cluster sector meetings with sector officers and continuity of officers would be useful to maximise the effectiveness of these meetings. Officers confirmed that considerations as part of professionalising the role of Dedicated Ward Officers was being given to giving these posts a specific tenure of post which would improve the consistency aspect to improve community engagement.
It was noted that the role of the Safer City Partnership was important to combine the key strands of work on engagement.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
HMICFRS PEEL Inspection 2022 PDF 688 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the HMICFRS PEEL Inspection 2022.
The Chair observed that the areas identified as needing improvement had a clear plan for each noting that the report represents the minimum of what the Force are aiming to achieve.
The Deputy Chair noted that this was discussed in detail at the Strategic Planning and Performance Committee and stated that it was hard for the Board to accept the respective target classifications for the thematic review points of Strategic planning, organisational management and value for money Preventing crime and anti-social behaviour. He added that the engagement between the Force and the Corporation’s safer city was not where it needed to be. Officers confirmed that this was a living document which would continue to be reviewed and actions reported back to the Board with the need to strengthen partnership working being a key matter for consideration.
In response to a Member’s query it was confirmed that the strengthening of planning and core services was seen as the most effective approach to improving the performance of the Force as a whole, including the prevention of crime.
Officers also added that for Member reassurance, Anti-Social Behaviour was broadly on a downward trend and the Inspection had focused on specific elements.
A Member requested that details of specific requests from Members relating to the HMICFRS PEEL inspection be included in full in the minutes.
The Chair confirmed that the report would be reviewed quarterly by the Strategic Planning and Performance Committee.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Violence Against Women and Girls Update PDF 552 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner which provided the update on Violence Against Women and Girls.
The Chair commended Officers for the good work completed in this area.
Following a Member’s query it was confirmed that a further forward looking report would be reviewing performance.
RESOLVED– That the report be noted.
City of London Police Risk Register PDF 580 KB Report of the Commissioner.
To be read in conjunction non-public appendices at Item 26. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the City of London Police Risk Register.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Quarterly Equality and Inclusion Update PDF 203 KB Report of the Commissioner. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the Quarterly Equality and Inclusion Update.
Officers introduced the report explaining the key actions taken and confirming that a further report would be presented to the Board in July. The Chair commented that he was pleased to see what this activity is achieving and that the consideration of how best to measure this would also need to be completed. It was noted that the City of London Police were in the process of refreshing the Equality and Inclusion Strategy and it was confirmed that a Member Session on equality and inclusion would be arranged.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chair considers urgent Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Item No. Paragraph(s) in Schedule 12A 19-30 3 23 7 |
Non-Public Minutes To agree the draft non-public minutes of the Police Authority Board meeting held on the 2nd of May.
Minutes: The Board considered the non-public minutes of the previous meeting of the Police Authority Board held on the 2nd of May 2023.
RESOLVED– That the non-public minutes of the meeting of the Police Authority Board held on 2nd of May were approved as an accurate record.
Non-Public Outstanding References Joint Report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out non-public Outstanding References from previous meetings of the Committee.
Chair's Non-Public Update The Chair to be heard. Minutes: There was no further update from the Chair provided in the non-public session. |
Commissioner's Updates The Commissioner & Chief Officers to be heard. Minutes: There was no further update from the Commissioner provided in the non-public session.
Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service - Programme progress and Budget setting report Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Commissioner on Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service Programme progress and Budget setting.
RESOLVED- That the report be approved.
Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service Programme - Infrastructure and Projects Authority Independent Gateway 3 Outcome Report Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service Programme Infrastructure and Projects Authority Independent Gateway 3 Outcome Report.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
HMICFRS Inspections Update- Vetting, misconduct, and misogyny in the police and CoLP Counter Corruption and Vetting Inspection Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the HMICFRS Inspections Update Vetting, misconduct, and misogyny in the police and CoLP Counter Corruption and Vetting Inspection.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Non-public appendices Non-public appendices to be read in conjunction with Item 14. Minutes: The Board received the non-public appendices for Item 14.
RESOLVED- That the appendices be noted. |
Report of action taken Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Town Clerk on action taken outside of meetings of the Board.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted. |
Non-Public Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chair considers urgent and which the Board agrees should be considered whilst the public are excluded Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Corporate Services Review Report of the Commissioner.
To follow. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the Corporate Services Review.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted. |