Venue: Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Richard Holt Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from the Deputy Chair Tijs Broek, Alderman Timothy Hailes, Nicholas Bensted-Smith, Sir Craig Mackey and Helen Fentimen.
The Chair welcomed the newly appointed External Board Members Melissa Collett and Michael Mitchell to their first meeting of the Board. |
MEMBERS' DECLARATIONS UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Minutes: Deputy James Thomson made a declaration that he served on the Bridge House Estates Board in relation to Item 27. |
To approve the public minutes and non-public summary of the City of London Police Authority Board meeting held on the 20th of July. Minutes: The Board considered the draft public minutes and non-public summary of the Police Authority Board meeting held on the 20th of July 2022.
RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the Police Authority Board meeting held on 20th of July be approved as an accurate record. |
Outstanding References PDF 85 KB Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out Public Outstanding References from previous meetings of the Committee.
Draft minutes of the Resource, Risk & Estates Committee PDF 120 KB To receive the draft public minutes and non-public summary of the Resource, Risk & Estates Committee meeting held on the 5th of September. Minutes: The Board received the public minutes and non-public summary of the Resource, Risk & Estates Committee meeting held on the 5th of September.
Resolved- That the minutes be noted. |
Chair's Public Update PDF 112 KB Report of the Chair. Minutes: The Board received the Chair’s public update.
The Chair thanked Officers for their work in supporting the London Bridge operations during the period of national mourning and noted that the Police Authority Board Dinner would be rearranged for early 2023. In addition it was noted that there were, since the last meeting of the Board, a number of serving ministers in the Government and that the Chair would be writing to each of the relevant ministers accordingly.
Commissioner's Update PDF 272 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the Commissioner’s public update.
Following concerns raised by a Member, Officers provided an update on the operational activity regarding the policing of mobile phone robberies in the City of London. Additionally, Officers confirmed that these operations, when appropriate, were completed in conjunction with colleagues in the Metropolitan Police.
Responding to a query from the Board an update on the number of Action Fraud Call Handlers was provided to the Board. Members noted that the attrition rates meant that there was nearly a hundred percent turnover of staff within a year. Following this observation Officers explained that there were a number of mitigation measures being considered on this matter and that a more in depth update was being provided to the next meeting of the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee on the 3rd October.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
City of London Police Business Planning Process PDF 123 KB Report of the Commissioner. Additional documents: Minutes:
The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the City of London Police Business Planning.
It was noted that better communication of the Force’s Business Plan would assist the Police Authority Board in its role scrutinising the Plan. A Member commented that the Board needed to be appropriately informed if the Force was not on course to meet the timeline targets in the Business Plan.
The Chair commented that business partners needed to be incorporated appropriately in the Business Planning process.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Q1 Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring 22-23 PDF 367 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the Q1 Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring 22-23. The Board were informed of the comments made at the Resource, Risk and Estates Committee.
Following a Board member’s query, it was confirmed that the recoding of the £1m budget for the Police Authority to support financial reporting was proceeding well.
It was confirmed, in response to a Board member’s question, that the corporate services review would be take forward as a top priority with an update to the Board on its progress within six months. In addition, it was confirmed that the uplift numbers were considered to be achievable.
Officers informed the Board that inflation was, evidently, the biggest risk for the City of London Police’s Budget and that the discussions will be held with other police forces to ascertain the appropriate level of inflationary budget assumptions.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
City of London Police Risk Register Update PDF 593 KB Report of the Commissioner.
To be read in conjunction with a non-public appendix at Item 30. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the City of London Police Risk Register Update.
It was noted that the change to the City of London Corporation risk scoring matrix to 4 x 4 only, may draw criticism by HMICFRS as other Police Forces use the 4x4x4 scoring system.
Officers informed the Board that the Fraud & Cyber Crime Reporting & Analysis Service Programme was expected to be delivered within the projected timeframe and within budget at present.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Update on Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) activity PDF 221 KB Report of the Commissioner. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner which provided an Update on Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) activity.
The Chair commented that the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee discussed the importance of the newly established Listening Circles for women in the City of London Police and suggested that these be established for other protected characteristics and that the concept be shared with the City of London Corporation.
Following a query from a Board member Officers provided an overview of the misconduct claims adding that additional to the formal claims it was vital to develop a positive and sensitive culture to encourage reporting.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Quarterly Equality and Inclusion Update PDF 155 KB Report of the Commissioner. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner which provided Quarterly Equality and Inclusion Update.
Officers highlighted that the City of London Police had been chosen as an icebreaker organisation for the Race Action Plan.
The Board expressed concern regarding the diversity of the individuals hired in the first cohort of the Police Uplift plan. Responding to these concerns Officers explained the factors impacting this, including the competition for hires and the need to fill specific skill sets.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Quarterly Community Engagement Update PDF 718 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner Quarterly Community Engagement Update.
In response to a query raised by the Chair Officers confirmed that a greater granularity of data on anti-social behaviour will be developed to assess the underlying causes for reporting at SPPC.
It was confirmed, in response to the Chair’s query, that the City of London Corporation Academies would be included in the youth community engagement.
Replying to a Member’s comment it was confirmed that continuity in ward policing would be maintained as far as is possible noting that the uplift programme was expecting that the Uplift would improve corporate memory and consistency in the Ward Team Officer representation.
It was confirmed that the Ask for Angela safety initiative communication was displayed in the appropriate venues.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Community/ Youth Engagement Programme PDF 163 KB Joint report of the Commissioner and Director of Community and Children’s Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a joint report of the Commissioner and Director of Community and Children’s Services on the Community and Youth Engagement Programme.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Protect Duty Update PDF 247 KB Joint report of the Commissioner and Town Clerk. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the Protect Duty Update.
The Chair requested a further joint report on the Protect Duty consultation be prepared for the Board’s consideration, once there had been meaningful development on which to report.
RESOLVED-That the report be noted.
Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner which provided a Hajj Fraud Update.
It was observed that this report had been produced to provide a public summary of the work completed to combat Hajj related fraud by the City of London Police following a request from the Board to make publicly available a report on the work being completed.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
National Business Crime Portfolio- National Business Crime Centre PDF 124 KB Report of the Commissioner. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the National Business Crime Portfolio National Business Crime Centre.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chair considers urgent Minutes: The Chair requested that the Board considered the allocation of further positions for Board Members on the Board’s committees to allow the newly appointed external members to join these committees. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Item No. Paragraph(s) in Schedule 12A 21-32, excluding 27-39 3 27-30 7 |
Non-Public Minutes To approve the non-public minutes of the City of London Police Authority Board meeting held on the 20th of July.
Minutes: The Board considered the draft non-public minutes of the Police Authority Board meeting held on the 20th of July 2022.
RESOLVED – That the non-public minutes of the Police Authority Board meeting held on 20th of July be approved as an accurate record.
Non-Public Outstanding References Joint Report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a joint report of the Town Clerk and City of London Police Commissioner on the non-public outstanding references from the last meeting of the Board.
Resolved- That the report be noted.
Draft non-public minutes of the Resource, Risk & Estates Committee To receive the draft non-public minutes of the Resource, Risk & Estates Committee meeting held on the 5th of September. Minutes: The Board received the draft non-public minutes of the Resource, Risk & Estates Committee meeting held on the 5th of September.
Resolved- That the draft minutes be noted.
Chair's Non-Public Update The Chair to be heard. Minutes: The Board received the Chair’s non-public update.
Resolved- that the update be noted.
Commissioner's Updates The Commissioner & Service Delivery Director FCCRAS to be heard. Minutes: The Board received the Commissioner’s non-public update.
Resolved- that the report be noted. |
City of London Police Retention Measures Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the City of London Police Retention Measures.
Resolved- That the report be approved. |
Bridge House Estates and City of London Police Service Level Agreement Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board considered a joint report of the Commission and Town Clerk on the Bridge House Estates and City of London Police Service Level Agreement.
Resolved- That the report be agreed. |
Partnership Approach to deliver a safe Night-Time Economy- Operation Reframe Joint report of the Commissioner and Town Clerk. Minutes: The Board received a joint report of the Commissioner and Town Clerk on the Partnership approach to deliver a safe Night-Time Economy-Operation Reframe.
Resolved- That the report be noted. |
Review of City of London Police juvenile Strip searches January 2019- April 2022 Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Board received a report of the Commissioner on the Review of the City of London Police juvenile strip searches January 2019- April 2022.
Resolved- that the report be noted. |
Non-Public appendix for Item 10 Non-Public appendix to be read in conjunction with Item 10. Minutes: The Board received the non-public appendix for Item 10.
Resolved- that the report be noted. |
Non-Public Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chair considers urgent and which the Board agrees should be considered whilst the public are excluded Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |