Venue: Park Manager's Office, Queen's Park, London NW6
Contact: Bose Kayode Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor James Denselow (London Borough of Brent), Councillor Eleanor Southwood (London Borough of Brent) and Councillor Neil Nerva (London Borough of Brent).
Declarations by Members of Any Personal and Prejudicial Interests in Respect of Items on This Agenda Minutes: There were no declarations.
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 16 January 2017. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2017 were approved and agreed by the committee as an accurate record.
RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2017 be approved.
Superintendent's Update - June 2017 PDF 100 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: The group received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided an update since November 2016 on management and operational activities including; operational working arrangements, income generation, sustainability, conservation, infrastructure and facilities
Developments to date:
Members were informed of developments within the Park to date and noted the following;
- Last year, the Park received a Green Flag Award. The Park was ‘mystery shopped this year. The outcome will be announced on the 18 July 2017.
- The Park is hoping to maintain its London in Bloom Gold Award.
Junior Park Run;
The ‘Junior Parkrun’ which started in January 2017 has to date seen up to 100 children taking part in the event each Sunday morning. The event is a great way in which children are able to get involved in sports and fitness. Members queried whether any money was raised from the ‘Junior Parkrun’. However, they were informed that this was not the case as the event was funded through sponsorship and runners are not charged to participate in the run. There will however, be a local fun run which has been organised by the Ark Franklin School in which any monies raised would go towards projects at the school.
Tennis Courts:
There had been an increase in the number of individuals using the tennis courts. The intake on the summer tennis coaching was high and had been well received. The introduction of ‘ClubSpark’ (a bespoke online booking system) had seen a 17% increase in its use. In addition, the introduction of the new system has also had an impact in reducing the amount of time being spent by staff members booking individuals onto the tennis courts, allowing them to focus their time elsewhere in the Park on other duties.
There is additional work required to maintain |
Play Area Toilets - Addition of a Toilet PDF 92 KB Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents: Minutes: The group received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided an update on a scoping exercise which had been carried out for the development of an additional public toilet to be provided at the Children’s Sand Pit. It was noted that the additional single dwelling toilet would give access from one side only, contain a combined adult and child’s toilet, would be accessible for wheelchair users, and would contain a baby changing table.
Members were referred to the three proposals provided by the City Surveyor and noted that the preferred option was option three which included the installation of a disabled toilet and additional child’s WC, (retaining the service hallway) connected to the existing external wall.
Members queried the proposed costings for the project and discussed whether it was a feasible cost given that the development involved a relatively small building. Members also queried the comparative cost of rebuilding the toilet as a whole unit as opposed to adding an extension onto the existing building. There were no comparative figures available. Members were informed of the difficulties in knocking down the existing toilets, particularly as the building as it stands is adequate, maintained and fit for purpose. In addition, Members were informed that the costings presented, represented a ‘general’ proposed figure and not a final costing of the works to be carried out.
It was considered that the addition of a single toilet unit in the play area is a priority. Possible additional work could be completed as part of a long term agenda and could include the introduction of hygienic work surfaces and upgrades to the interior design and functionality of the toilets. In addition, Members were informed that a sum in the region of £8k was allocated to the Park through the Cyclical Works Programme |
Queen's Park Café - Options Appraisal PDF 93 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents: Minutes: The group received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that informed members of the engagement and consultation exercise which took place in relation to the café provision at Queen’s Park, which has now been completed.
Members were informed that a total of 391 responses were received and the feedback suggested that the café is valued as a community hub and an important asset in the Park. The quality and cost of food, along with the ambience were factors that were considered important by the public.
Members were asked to confirm the recommendation that the City of London Corporation commence a new tender for the lease of the café.
Members queried the three year term set for the lease and stated that this could deter some businesses from wanting to sign up for a lease due to the short period. It was suggested that an incentive be introduced which could act as a way to entice particular businesses to signing a lease for a period of three years. Further, Members asked whether some form of guarantee could be given to business owners which could again act as a way to entice new businesses to sign a three year lease. Members were informed that whilst no guarantees could be given, there will be the introduction of a business performance process where customer reviews would be sought.
(a) Members agreed with the proposal and recommend that a new tender process for the lease of the Queen’s Park Café be initiated.
Open Spaces & Heritage Business Plan 2017/18 PDF 97 KB Report of the Director of Open Spaces. Additional documents: Minutes: The group received a report of the Director of Open Spaces that reflected the broader range of activity under the heading “Open Spaces & Heritage”. The proposed Business Plan reflects the changes being made Corporately to Business Planning, with particular focus on outcomes.
Members were informed of the significant activity taking place within the City and noted that there were clear set objectives for each Department. In addition, the report included details on how the aims and objectives were being met.
Members noted that the London Borough of Brent was going through a period of regeneration. It was asked whether the Corporation had been in communication with Brent regarding the potential impact and increase in visitor numbers at Queen’s Park as a result of the regeneration and for any thoughts as to how to move forward. Members were informed that whilst no general discussions had taken place with Brent, comments had been made in relation to planning that could impact upon parks and open spaces within the Borough.
(a) The Superintendent would consider the implications for Queen’s Park in relation to the South Kilburn Regeneration Scheme.
Queen's Park Farm Revitalisation Project PDF 147 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents: Minutes: The group received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided a draft vision to revitalise the children’s farm to promote greater public engagement.
Details of the project included a larger, more visually pleasing, entrance and user friendly farm with integrated and focused educational information. In addition, Members were informed that the re-development would allow for an increase in chickens, rabbits, turkeys and miniature sheep and would include additional space allocated to animal housing. It is anticipated that the project would benefit local school groups and members of the local community who visit the farm.
The design and the layout of the re-development were discussed. Members were informed that the proposal is for the development to replicate a figure eight which should aid in increasing traffic flow, donations and provide scope for increased community group and school visits.
Members queried whether a visitor shelter would be included in the project. It was noted that were there scope for a visitor shelter to be included in the expansion, one could be considered.
In addition, Members asked whether consideration could be given to the inclusion of bramble and blackberries when the new hedge is planted alongside the inclusion of perspex windows to allow the public to see inside the enclosures from the Park. Members were informed that the seating area outside the enclosure facing into the Park would also be maintained.
Further queries included the use of the existing pathways and whether they could be incorporated into the plans. It was noted that it may not be possible for the paths to be incorporated within the project due to the new design of the farm.
(a) Members noted the report and commended the vision and framework of the development. (b) Members noted the visualisation proposal and supported |
Questions Minutes: Members asked whether future reports of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath could include a breakdown of revenue generated within the Park. It was also asked whether future reports could include information on other services which could be introduced to the Park as a potential source of income.
(a) Future reports of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath include a detailed breakdown of revenue generated within the Park and details of other possible avenues of revenue. |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: The Chairman sought views from Members as to altering the timings of future meetings to start later in the day and for the venue of the meetings to take place on site at the Park as opposed to taking place at the Guildhall.
Details of the proposal were outlined. It was suggested that the meeting scheduled to take place on 1 November 2017 take place on site at the Park with a suggested start time of 14:00. This would include an initial walk of the Park followed by the meeting at 15:00 and afternoon tea from 16:00.
(a) Future meetings of Queens Park Consultative Group are held at 14:00 on site at the Park and are to be followed by the meeting and afternoon tea.
Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 1 November 2017 in the Committee Rooms, Guildhall. Minutes: The date of the next was noted to be 1 November 2017. |