Venue: Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Richard Holt Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from the Deputy Chair Tijs Broeke and Dawn Wright. |
To agree the draft public minutes and non-public summary of the previous meeting of the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee held on the 3rd of October 2022. Minutes: The Committee considered the draft minutes of the previous meeting of the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee held on the 3rd of October 2022.
The Committee discussed engagement with the insurance industry noting that there was a perception that the economic incentive for the industry to engage was limited. Further to this a Member noted that it was hoped that an appropriate panel of representatives from the insurance industry for dialogue with the industry could be established.
The Committee highlighted the importance of successfully engaging with Small and Medium Sized Enterprises noting that successful cyber-attacks on businesses of this size could prove fatal to the business.
RESOLVED- The Committee considered the draft minutes of the previous meeting of the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee held on the 3rd of October 2022 be approved.
Outstanding References PDF 174 KB Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a joint report of the Town Clerk and the Commissioner on the public actions from the previous meeting.
Resolved- That the report be noted. |
Economic and Cyber Crime- Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Update PDF 176 KB Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner on Economic Cyber Crime Communications and Stakeholder Engagement.
A Member noted that it was important to include any negative media coverage in these reports in order that Members have the complete impression of the media coverage.
The Chair commented on the requirement for improved forward planning for the engagement plan with collaboration with the Innovation and Growth Department and the mayoral engagement plan, noting that the newly appointed Communications and Engagement Coordinator would be helpful in managing this engagement planning.
A Member requested a wider range of sector engagement noting that this would inevitability be dependent on resource implications.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted
National Lead Force Performance Report PDF 1 MB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner on the National Lead Force Performance report.
Following a Member’s question Officers undertook to include all Committee Members in media coverage summary emails.
In response to a query raised by the Chair the Force’s asset recovery process was confirmed explaining that, whilst it was difficult to accurately predict it was expected the assets recovered would increase with the funding of the responsible team. However, it was noted that this would not be a completely linear relationship between funding and asset recovery.
Following a Member’s question it was explained that a more proactive approach was being established in relation to fraud through mobile phones highlighting the fraud sector charter on telecommunications which it was hoped would assist this process.
The Committee received an update on Operation Elaborate. The Chair commented that he was encouraged to observe that these operations were intelligence led showing the importance of the public reporting. Officers noted that there would be more work to make investigations as proactive as possible going forward.
A Member noted that reducing abandoned calls was a key metric that needed to be effectively managed.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
National Lead Force (NLF) Update PDF 220 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner on the National Lead Force Update.
In response to a query from the Chair Officers confirmed that all business cases for funding included a methodology for measuring the return on investment. It was added that the Force were already measuring the impact of pursuing criminal cases but that increasingly, protect and prevent also needed to be measured, noting that whilst this was a challenge work was being undertaken to establish appropriate metrics. The Chair noted that an overall return on investment across the Force’s activity was important to establish for external engagement and messaging.
The Committee noted the importance of alumni networks and part time working for establishing a cost effective recruitment programme.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted |
Quarterly Cyber Griffin Update PDF 173 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner on the Quarterly Cyber Griffin Update.
In response to the Chair’s request for further information on the engagement plan for Cyber Resilience Centres nationally Officers confirmed that plans would be presented to the Committee and the ambassador groups in early 2023.
Following a Member’s query Officers undertook to establish what engagement had been undertaken with the London resilience centre in relation to cyber crime.
The Committee commented that the Department for Innovation and Growth should be represented at the ambassador steering group and national board.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Innovation & Growth - Update of Cyber & Economic Crime related activities PDF 120 KB Report of the Executive Director Innovation and Growth. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Executive Director Innovation and Growth which provided an update of the Cyber & Economic Crime related activities.
The Committee discussed Cyber Innovation Challenge 1 noting that more time needed to be allocated to conversations on specific case studies rather than the panel discussions for future events. The Chair noted that these sessions were a model of cooperation between the Force, Police Authority and City of London Corporation. Officers confirmed the follow up actions completed on the case studies were highlighted with the challenge session including the pilot schemes in place. The Chair requested that key outcomes be provided as part of the second challenge session.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: In response to the Member’s query on the impact of crypto currencies prices on Proceeds of Crime Act funds was explained noting that this was regularly priced by the independent auction house used to convert crypto assets to cash. In addition, it was confirmed that the funds secured through Operation Neutron were held and secured at their present value in sterling.
The Committee noted, following discussion on the difficultly to confirm the origin of any funds secure in the form of crypto currencies, the Proceeds of Crime Act allowed Forces to spend funds illegally secured and recovered as part of criminal investigations.
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There was no urgent considered in the public session.
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Minutes: RESOLVED, That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Non-Public Minutes To agree the draft non-public minutes of the previous meeting of the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee held on the 3rd of October 2022. Minutes: The Committee considered the draft non-public minutes of the previous meeting of the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee held on the 3rd of October 2022.
RESOLVED- The Committee considered the draft non-public minutes of the previous meeting of the Economic and Cyber Crime Committee held on the 3rd of October 2022 be approved.
Non-public outstanding references Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner on the non-public outstanding references from the last meeting of the Committee.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Communications & Strategic Engagement: Quarterly Update Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner on the Communications and Strategic Engagement Quarterly Update.
RESOLVED- That the reports be noted.
Economic Crime Levy Bid Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner on the Economic Crime Levy Bid.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
NPCC Cyber Crime Portfolio Update Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner which provided the NPCC Cyber Crime Portfolio Update.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions in the non-public session. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the Committee agree should be considered whilst the public are excluded Minutes: There were no items of urgent business considered in the non-public session.