Venue: Committee Rooms - 2nd Floor West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Email: - Agenda Planning Email: - Governance Officer/Clerk to the Board
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies received from the Helen Fentimen (Deputy Chair), Deputy Randall Anderson and Judith Finlay (Executive Director, Childrens and Community Services) in advance of this meeting.
Simon Cribbens attended as substitute member for Judith Finlay. |
To agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 May 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the public minutes and non-public summary of the previous meeting held on 3 May 2024 be approved as a correct record.
Presentation from Dr Matt Liveras The Health and Wellbeing Board to receive a presentation from Dr Matt Liveras, Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Lead at Klearwell. Additional documents: Minutes:
The Health and Wellbeing Board received a presentation from Dr Matt Liveras, Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Lead at Klearwell.
After this presentation Members raised questions regarding the process of Ketamine Induced Psychotherapy to cure depression and access to this form of treatment in future. Dr Liveras confirmed that whilst the symptom of depression was likely to return, it was expected that the therapeutic side of this treatment would help to promote longer term positive changes in the patients. Whilst the cost of such therapy was expensive, and remained a service exclusive to the private sector, there was a mechanism to offer Ketamine Induced Psychotherapy within the NHS.
RESOLVED – That the presentation be received, and its contents noted. |
Better Care Fund Q4 Return Report of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services, concerning the approval of the Better Care Fund Quarter 4 return. Following an introduction to the report, officers advised Members that going forward this report should be brought to the Board for approval instead of being signed off under urgency procedures.
Resolved -, that Members approve the Better Care Fund Quarter 4 return.
Air Quality Annual Status Report for 2023 Report of the Interim Executive Director for Environment. Additional documents: Minutes:
The Board received a report of the Interim Executive Director for Environment. A introduction to the report confirmed that the Air Quality Status report was an annual report, under local authority statutory obligations, which was expected to be submitted to the General London Assembly at the end of the year. It was confirmed that the City Corporation had made great progress decreasing levels of pollution in last 5 years, adhering to the national standards of pollutants in the process.
In response to the Chair’s question regarding ozone level, it was confirmed that ozone level were not prescribed as an air pollutant and the City Corporation had no statutory obligation to report on ozone levels, however since the data was available officers felt obligated to provide it to the Board for information. A Member asked if there were any plans to include Carbon Dioxide and Methane in air pollutant monitoring. The response was that these greenhouse gas emissions were only monitored in a climate sense rather than an air pollutant which was not covered by the framework.
Following a point raised, it was confirmed that a short-term study of air quality at Smithfield Market was conducted. This study was requested by a Market constable and for a period of two months and was not expected to be extended but could if required.
RESOLVED – That the report be received, and its contents noted. |
Healthwatch City of London Progress Report Report of Healthwatch, City of London. Minutes:
The Board received a report from Healthwatch, City of London, to consider a progress update.
The Board heard from the Healthwatch representative who provided a summary of the progress update. This included updates regarding the concerns of the effectiveness of the Neighbourhoods Programme, their Public Board meetings, Patient Panels, and Digital Apps project. The Board was informed that there was an excellent turnout for the Health in the City event and Healthwatch were working with the Neaman Practice to produce a similar event in 2025. Officers asked if the same could be done on the east-side of the City with the representative confirming that a smaller more bespoke event had been planned for Aldersgate.
RESOLVED – That the report be received and its contents noted.
Update on Strategies for GP, PCN, and Neighbourhood Service Provision in the City Report of the North East London Integrated Care Board (NEL ICB). Additional documents:
The Board received a report from the ICB in relation to updates on the North East London Integrated Care Board’s (NEL ICB) strategy relating to primary care provision in the City including options for expanding or relocating the Neaman Practice; the status and performance of Goodman’s Fields (GF) Health Centre and the Hoxton Surgery; how the GF’s boundary could be expanded to include the Tower ward; and the impact of Neighbourhoods on service provision.
Members highlighted discrepancies featured in the report, most notably the number of patients registered at the Neaman Practice, and asked the ICB representative to provide clarification on the matter since there was a clear statistical issue. Approximately 50% of the patients mentioned in the report were not registered with the Neaman Practice despite residing in the City. The ICB representative confirmed that this percentage was for those who possessed a City of London address, however it was difficult to determine which of these were “Ghost Patients”. Members asked if there was any action taken to conduct a list cleaning exercise since the definitive figures were needed in order to allocate the appropriate funding for the expansion or relocation of the Neaman Practice.
Members expressed that this was not the report that they had commissioned and asked to receive a more detailed report which listed more healthcare facilities options for local residents, such as the potential expansion of Goodman’s field.
Following a point raised regarding the status of the Neaman Practice, Members were keen to know whether the practice was expected to relocate or had it been granted the opportunity to expand on the current premises. Members were then informed that whilst the City Corporation held a lease for one of the floors to the building, the lease for the remaining floor remained with the landlord. The |
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes:
There were no public questions. |
Officers informed the Board of an event held in relation to the HIV Confident Charter where the Deputy Chair, Lord Mayor and Chair of Fast Track Cities were in attendance and all were keen to take forward proposals that would ensure that the City Corporation would become a HIV Confident Charter.
An officer updated Members about the work undertaken by the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Hackney Health and Wellbeing Board, to gauge how the Board works in a partnership with other local authorities. Shortly after this meeting the LGA were expected to contact Members of the Board with a view of establishing further discussion at a workshop. |
Exclusion of public MOTION - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. |
Enhanced Suicide Prevention Initiative Report of the Interim Executive Director for Environment. Minutes:
The Board received a report of the Interim Executive Director of Environment to consider the enhanced suicide prevention imitative.
RESOLVED – That, the report be received and its contents noted |
Non public questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes:
There were no non-public questions. |