Browse meetings

Court of Aldermen

This page lists the meetings for Court of Aldermen.

Information about Court of Aldermen

The Court of Aldermen is summoned and presided over by the Lord Mayor and consists of the 25 Aldermen, one for each ward of the City, and The Recorder of London.  Aldermen are elected at least every six years (separately from the Common Councillor elections, and not all at once).


The Court of Aldermen has two standing committees: the Nominations Committee of Aldermen (previously known as the Privileges Committee of Aldermen) and the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen.


The Nominations Committee has oversight of the Aldermanic appraisal arrangements and is the decision-making body in respect of future progression to High Office (Shrievalty and Mayoralty), subject to the Election of Sheriffs and the Election of Lord Mayor which take place at Common Hall each year. The General Purposes Committee of Aldermen has responsibility for operational and financial matters in relation to the Mansion House and the Central Criminal Court; appointments to committees (Common Council) and outside bodies; and oversees the Lord Mayor’s programme of engagement and City-related promotion.


The Court of Aldermen meets seven times per year and all meetings are open to the public.