Dame Susan Langley, DBE (Alderwoman)

Profile image for Dame Susan Langley, DBE (Alderwoman)

Title: Alderwoman

Ward: Aldgate

Other members representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
City of London Corporation
Member’s Room
PO Box 270
Guildhall, London

Email:  susan.langley@cityoflondon.gov.uk

Download Dame Susan Langley, DBE (Alderwoman) contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 08/12/2022 -

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

With extensive international experience, Sue is the Non-Executive Chair for Gallagher UK and the Senior Independent Director for UKAR, (Northern Rock Asset Management & Bradford and Bingley).


Previously Sue held various Board positions including Lead Non-Executive Director for the Home Office, Board Trustee for Macmillan Cancer, CEO for Financial and Legal Services (Department Trade & Industry), Executive Director North America & Market Development, Lloyd's of London, Chairman of Lloyds Japan and Director of Lloyd’s Asia. Prior to this Sue held various Insurance Board positions. She joined the Market from PriceWaterhouseCoopers where she was a Prinicipal Consultant working with a range of FTSE companies.


Sue was the financial services founding Member of the Government’s Women’s Business Council, a recipient of the Insurance Institute Presidents award, FS Women in the City Achievement award, Women to Watch, Leading Women in Reinsurance, top 20 inspirational City Women and a participant on the BBC Experts Initiative. In 2015 she received an OBE for services to women in business and in 2023 a DBE for public service and to the financial services industry.


Sue is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Insurers and the Drapers and a Freeman of the Goldsmiths Company.


Sue is a signatory to the City of London Corporation Members’ Diversity Charter: Corporate governance - City of London