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Projects and Procurement Sub-Committee

This page lists the meetings for Projects and Procurement Sub-Committee.

Information about Projects and Procurement Sub-Committee

Projects and Procurement Sub-Committee


The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Finance Committee (or their nominees) (Chair and Deputy Chair)

Two further Members to be appointed by the Finance Committee from either its membership or the wider Court on the basis of skill sets

A representative from the Community and Children’s Services Committee

A representative from the Digital Services Committee

A representative from the Police Authority Board

A representative from the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee


Terms of Reference

To be responsible for:-


a)          Overseeing the total portfolio of projects overseen by the Chief Executive’s Portfolio Management Board and receiving regular high level dashboard reports on their progress, identifying notable risks and proposed mitigations;

b)          Making proposals to the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee/the Policy and Resources Committee for projects to be included in the capital/supplementary revenue programme;

c)          Determining how political oversight of relevant Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects can best be achieved where several committees are stakeholders on the proposed project and when projects in excess of £100 million require Policy & Resources Committee oversight;

d)          Reviewing the City Corporation’s project management processes, development of project management skills and expertise and the systematic embedding of commercial approaches that share investment and risk.


e)          To scrutinise and be responsible for value for money on all City of London Corporation and City of London Police procurement contracts above thresholds stipulated within the City of London Corporation’s Procurement Code (total contract value) at key stages, including initial tender strategy to final contract award sign off.

f)            To consider and recommend all procurement contracts above thresholds stipulated within the City of London Corporation’s Procurement Code to the Finance Committee.

g)          To invite representative(s) from the relevant Spend Committee to attend meetings ensuring decisions are made corporately.

h)          To provide officers with advice focussed specifically on value for money, and consider lessons learned when major contracts are coming to an end (i.e. before the (re)tender process begins).

i)            To review and consider approvals of £4m waivers for the Chamberlain’s department contracts.

j)            To work with the Finance Committee to review and to monitor performance against the Chamberlain’s Departmental Business Plan and related corporate initiatives in order to promote value for money and ensure compliance with the UK Public Contract Regulations and the Corporation’s Procurement Code.