Venue: Committee Room - 2nd Floor West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Julie Mayer 020 7332 1410
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Marianne Fredericks, Don Randall of the City of London Crime Prevention Association and Helen Isaac of the City of London Police (represented by Hector McKoy).
Before commencing the business on the agenda, all Members gathered in Guildhall Yard for a minute’s silence in order to pay their respects to those who lost their lives in the terrorist attack in Paris on Friday 13th November. The Chairman commended the sterling efforts of the City of London Police’s intelligence services and welcomed any further updates during the course of the meeting.
The Chairman welcomed Julie Mayer, the new Clerk to the Committee and Oliver Bolton, the new Policy Officer.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations. |
To approve the minutes of the last meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2015 were approved. |
Members are asked to note the Committee’s Outstanding Actions List. Minutes: Before commencing the business on the agenda, all Members gathered in Guildhall Yard for a minute’s silence in order to pay their respects to those who lost their lives in the terrorist attack in Paris on Friday 13th November. The Chairman commended the sterling efforts of the City of London Police’s intelligence services and welcomed any further updates during the course of the meeting.
The Chairman welcomed Julie Mayer, the new Clerk to the Committee and Oliver Bolton, the new Policy Officer.
Community Safety Team Update PDF 374 KB Report of the Manager of Community Safety Team – Town Clerk’s.
Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Manager of the Community Safety Team, which provided an update on the Team’s activities, as follows:
Safety Thirst – the Port Health and Public Protection Director reported on plans for a possible re-brand next year, which sought to promote the scheme and increase engagement, with more direct contract with representatives from larger chains. Members suggested that City of London Members approach the licence holders in their wards.
Behind Closed Doors – officers reported on a very successful event and powerful presentation.
Relocation of the Community Safety Team – now on the fourth floor North Wing, Guildhall, to help enable closer working with police colleagues.
Community Remedy – completion expected in December. Members noted a peak in October, following more direct contact. Officers agreed to investigate why a member of the Committee (also a Barbican resident) had not yet been consulted. It was suggested that the outcome of the Consultation be reported to the next meeting of the Community and Children’s Services Committee, for information.
Calendar of events – the presentation was being worked on and the London Fire Brigade’s activities would be captured next year.
Public Protection Service Update PDF 216 KB Report of the Port Health & Public Protection Director – Department of Markets and Consumer Protection.
Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Port Health and Public Protection Director, which provided an update on the Public Protection Service, as follows:
Late night levy – a report would be presented to the Licencing Committee in January.
Chuggers – Police and Public Protection officers were gauging activity and communicating with the Public Fundraising Association as to what constitutes ‘acceptable activity’. The Director advised that he had taken Counsel’s opinion and, in 2013, the Policy and Resources Committee had agreed a possible sanction. The Director agreed to discuss this further with the Remembrancer and to undertake some research into activities and enforcement action taken in other local authorities.
Fraud – The Team were working with Banks on Operation Broadway; i.e. large scale and sudden withdrawals and investments which were outside usual patterns of activity. Trading standards were engaging with Community and Children’s Services officers who work with vulnerable residents.
General – the Team had worked with Southwark to remove nut sellers from London Bridge. The Director agreed to investigate an ice cream van which regularly parks on an iconic site on the Bridge.
Health and Wellbeing Summary Report PDF 42 KB
Members are asked to note a Summary report from Health and Wellbeing Board of 18 September 2015. Minutes: The Committee received an update from the last meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board on 18th September 2015. Members noted that an updated report on Air Quality had been presented to the Planning and Transportation Committee and the Port Health and Public Protection Director agreed to circulate this to Members of the Safer City Partnership Group.
Members noted they would receive a report on substance misuse at their next meeting.
Domestic Abuse Forum PDF 208 KB Report of the Assistant Director, People - Department of Community & Children's Services. Minutes: The Committee received its first quarterly report since the Annual Report of the Domestic Abuse Forum. In respect of 2 repeat cases, the Director of Community and Children’s Services agreed to provide an update to the Chairman before the end of the week.
London Fire Brigade Update To follow – Members will receive an oral update at the meeting. Minutes: The Committee received an oral update and the London Fire Brigade’s monthly statistics were tabled. Members noted that next year would mark the 150th Anniversary of the London Fire Brigade and the 350 year commemoration of the Great Fire of London.
In respect of the terrorist activity in Paris on 13th November, Members noted that all responsible personnel had been engaged and equipment checked but there would be no change to the current level of strategic management of the terrorist threat. The Police representative confirmed the same position.
Dowgate Ward had met with TfL in respect of the Cycle Superhighway and were confident that this was being planned well, with the contraflow moving further East. Members noted that there would be a contraflow in Upper Thames Street for some time and a 20mph speed limit had been imposed in the tunnel to mitigate the risk.
Members noted the imminent 30% budget cuts to the service. The Brigade were seeking financial support to recruit more cadets.
Police Update To follow – Members will receive an Oral Update at the Meeting. Minutes: The Committee received an oral update and the City of London Police representative advised that, following the terrorist attack in Paris on 13th November, the current threat level had not changed and there was currently no intelligence on an imminent attack on the City of London. However, the public were being asked to remain as vigilant as possible and to report any suspicious activity, as usual. Members noted that the cancellation of the fireworks following the Lord Mayor’s Show on Saturday had not been based on any threat to the City.
Crime Statistics To follow – Members will receive an oral update at the meeting.
Minutes: The Committee received the tabled monthly crime statistics and noted the following:
Festive Season Activity PDF 90 KB Report of the Manager of Community Safety Team – Town Clerk’s.
Minutes: The Committee received the tabled monthly crime statistics and noted the following:
Any other Business Minutes: · The London Fire Brigade representative reported on an incident free Fireworks Night.
· The Brigade asked for increased parking enforcement activity on Bush Lane, Southwark Lane, Upper Thames Street and Cannon Street due to access problems.
The meeting ended at 12:40