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No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Deputy Randall Anderson, Emily Benn, Deputy Keith Bottomley, Anthony Fitzpatrick, Martha Grekos, Alderman and Sheriff King, Deputy Edward Lord, Deputy Natasha Lloyd-Owen, Alderman Ian Luder, Alderwoman Susan Pearson, Judith Pleasance, Deputy Henry Pollard, Shailendra Umradia and Alderman Sir David Wootton. |
MEMBERS' DECLARATIONS UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Minutes: The Town Clerk reported that the vast majority of apologies reported today (for Deputy Randall Anderson, Deputy Keith Bottomley, Martha Grekos, Deputy Edward Lord, Alderman Ian Luder, Judith Pleasance and Alderman Sir David Wootton) had been received in light of the required separation of functions between an authority in its capacity as an applicant for planning permission, and an authority in its capacity as local planning authority. She reported that the City’s Capital Buildings Board and the Museum of London Board had responsibility for promoting the proposals that were the subject of the application to be considered today. Therefore Members of those Boards (as those listed above were) should not, if also on this Sub-Committee, participate in the decision on this matter and had recused themselves for this reason. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 1 November 2022.
Minutes: The Sub-Committee received the public minutes of the Planning and Transportation Committee meeting held on 1 November 2022.
The Chairman highlighted that, as these were minutes of the Grand Committee they would be officially signed off by the next meeting of that scheduled for 10 January 2023, but were here today for information.
MATTERS ARISING CRIPPLEGATE HOUSE 1 GOLDEN LANE LONDON EC1Y 0RR (pages 7-29) – A Member questioned why the comment made as to etiquette and the conduct of debate at the last meeting had not been minuted. The Chairman highlighted that this had also been raised in advance by another Member via email. He highlighted that the purpose of the minutes was to record matters that were pertinent to or impacted upon the decision reached and that they were not designed to be a verbatim record of the meeting. However, he stated that if the Committee were of the strong opinion that this comment ought to also be articulated in the minutes then he was happy to discuss this and the appropriate form of wording for this. The Member commented that she was of the view that, in this instance, the comment ought to feature.
At the invitation of the Chairman, the Town Clerk highlighted that the entirety of the public session of the last meeting had been recorded and was therefore available on the City’s webpages.
Some Members made the general point that the minutes of these meetings ought to be reduced as opposed to expanded further given that they were already 35 pages long in this particular instance.
22 Bishopsgate (page 7) – In response to a question regarding the trees at 22 Bishopsgate, the Planning and Development Director reported that he had been made aware that the trees that were part of the approved |
Poultry Market And General Market And The Annexe Buildings West Smithfield London EC1A 9PS Report of the Planning & Development Director.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Planning and Development Director regarding the Poultry Market And General Market And The Annexe Buildings West Smithfield London EC1A 9PS, specifically:
General Market Partial demolition, repair, refurbishment and extension of the existing building known as the General Market at 43 Farringdon Street on the basement, ground, first and roof levels; creation of a new entrance structure on West Poultry Avenue (and associated refurbishment of the existing canopy over West Poultry Avenue) with new facades to West Smithfield and Charterhouse Street; new entrances on the corner of Farringdon Street and Charterhouse Street; Change of use to provide a museum and ancillary uses and areas, together with a flexible retail, restaurant, drinking establishment and leisure (gym) use for the perimeter 'houses'.
Poultry Market Partial demolition, repair, refurbishment and alteration of the existing building known as the Poultry Market, Charterhouse Street at basement, ground and first levels; change of use to a museum and ancillary uses and areas.
Annexe Site (Red House, Iron Mountain, Fish Market and Engine House) Partial demolition, refurbishment and extension of the existing buildings known as the Annexe Site at 25 Snow Hill and 29 Smithfield Street at basement, ground, first, second and third levels; creation of a triple height canopy above a public realm space; change of use to a flexible museum, offices, retail, restaurant, drinking establishment, events and functions use. Refurbishment of and minor alterations to the existing building known as the Engine House at West Smithfield at basement and ground levels; Change of use to a flexible retail and museum use. (The proposal would provide 32,864sq.m of Museum floorspace (Class D1), 4,079 sq.m of flexible A1/A2/A3/A4/B1/D1 & D2 floorspace, 2,377sq.m of flexible B1/D1 floorspace, 870sq.m of flexible A3/A4/D1 & D2 floorspace, 18sq.m of flexible A1/D1 floorspace and 82sq.m of flexible A1/A3/A4/D1 |
Poultry Market Charterhouse Street London EC1A 9LH - LISTED BUILDING CONSENT Report of the Planning & Development Director. Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Planning and Development Director regarding the Poultry Market Charterhouse Street London EC1A 9LH – specifically, the part demolition, repair, and refurbishment of the building known at the Poultry Market, Charterhouse Street at ground, first and basement levels, associated with a change of use of the building to provide a museum and ancillary uses and areas; including: works associated with an entrance structure on West Poultry Avenue; internal alterations including creation of a part new first floor; fabric removal and refurbishment on all floors; replacement glazing; facade cleaning and other facade repair; levelling of ground floor; works of repair to the roof; installation of new heating and cooling equipment; new M&E services; repurposing of the south service bay and associated infill structure; remodelling of the north service bay; internal decoration; replacement balustrade; and other associated works as shown on the submitted plans and drawings.
The Committee voted on these recommendations alongside those set out under Agenda Item 4.
Having fully debated the application, the Committee proceeded to vote on the recommendations before them.
Votes were cast as follows: IN FAVOUR – 16 Votes OPPOSED – None There were no abstentions.
The recommendations were therefore carried unanimously.
RESOLVED - That listed building consent be granted for the above proposal in accordance with the details set out in the attached schedule. |
VALID PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BY DEPARTMENT OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT* Report of the Planning and Development Director. Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director detailing development and advertisement applications determined by the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director or those so authorised under their delegated powers since the report to the last meeting.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
DELEGATED DECISIONS OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR* Report of the Planning & Development Director. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director detailing development applications received by the Department of the Built Environment since the report to the last meeting.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes: Local Plans Sub-Committee A Member recognised that this came under the work of the Grand Committee but noted that they were not now scheduled to meet until January 2023. The Member referred to the recent cancellation of Local Plans Sub-Committee meetings for the remainder of 2022 in order to enable Officers to work up the engagement strategy around this. However, there were now some concerns as to the time delay and Members being able to see and comment upon this Strategy ahead of it being finalised and in between meetings.
Aa a more general point, the Member questioned whether matters relating to the work of the grand Committee could also be raised at this Sub-Committee given that it was now set to meet much more frequently. The Deputy Chairman stated that he would also appreciate some clarity on this point. The Comptroller and City Solicitor stated that questions here should really be related to the work of this Sub-Committee as stipulated on the agenda. It could, however, be at the Chair’s discretion to alter this for time critical matters although it was suggested that these could equally be dealt with in writing or via email in between scheduled Grand Committee meetings.
With regard to a further comment as to the frequency of meetings now proposed for the Grand Committee, the Town Clerk reported that this matter was entirely within the hands of the Committee and the Chairman and that if they were of view, in due course, that quarterly meetings were not sufficient, this could be added to or revisited as necessary.
Reporting on Discharged Conditions The Chairman highlighted that this matter had been raised with him on a few occasions by another Committee member who had questioned how these matters were reported on once they had been discharged. He |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS THAT THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT Minutes: Forthcoming Committee Visits The Chairman reported that the Committee had the opportunity to undertake two visits in the coming weeks. Firstly, a visit to the public terraces at 22 Bishopsgate was scheduled for Monday, 18 November at 10.30am for which he encouraged Members to RSVP as soon as possible. Secondly, a tour of the Lloyds Building was also being proposed for Friday, 2 December at 2pm and further details on this would be communicated to all in the coming days.
Consolidation A Member noted that at the last meeting, there had been some discussion around bringing back a future report on the success (or otherwise) of consolidated services and how these were working in practice for applicants. She suggested that it might be helpful to invite them to address a future meeting of the Committee on this. The Planning and Development Director reiterated that 22 Bishopsgate was probably the best, current, working example of this and he suggested that this might also helpfully be weaved into next week’s visit to the site. |