Venue: Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: George Fraser
tel. no.: 020 7332 1174
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Andrew Lentin and Deputy Henry Pollard.
Minutes Minutes from the last meetings Minutes: |
Police Committee - 15 Dec 2017 PDF 228 KB To agree Minutes: The Committee considered the minutes from the last meeting, held on 15 December 2017.
RESOLVED – That the minutes be approved.
Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee - 30 Nov 2017 PDF 221 KB To receive Minutes: The Committee received the minutes from the last meeting of the Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee, held on 30 November 2017.
With regards to GDPR compliance, as referenced by Item 7 – HMICFRS Inspection Update, the Chairman noted that the website was on track.
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received.
Professional Standards & Integrity Sub-Committee - 1 Dec 2017 PDF 250 KB To receive Minutes: The Committee received the minutes from the last meeting of the Professional Standards & Integrity Sub-Committee, held on 1 December 2017.
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received.
Outstanding References PDF 136 KB Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out the outstanding actions from previous meetings of the Committee.
OR1 – Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) The Chairman asked why the Medium Term Financial Plan had not been submitted to the January meeting as promised. The Chamberlain explained that the MTFP was usually submitted to the Police Committee in draft form, and that this fed into the Revenue and Capital Budgets report at the beginning of the new year, as reflected at item 5 on the agenda. (1)
Revenue and Capital Budgets 2018-19 PDF 422 KB Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner Minutes: The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner of Police that sought Members’ approval of the latest revenue budget for 2017-18 and the provisional revenue budget for 2018-19, for subsequent submission to the Finance Committee.
The Chairman noted that, in reference to paragraph 4, that the report did not mention that the Court of Common Council had agreed for additional reserve to be provided by the City Fund to cover any additional revenue shortfall. He asked that this be recorded for the record.
The Commissioner explained that, although the CoLP were still awaiting the final grant settlement, they were confident of their position which was marginally better than had been predicted. He explained that the core grant provided an increase of £700,000 (1.2%) over the sum outlined within MTFP assumptions.
The Commissioner explained that the CoLP hoped to finish 2018 in a stronger position than they did 2017.
The Commissioner explained to Members that the Reserves were split into two separate funds, the General Reserves (£3.5m) and POCA Reserves (£3.6m). In reference to the table following paragraph 6 of the report, the Commissioner clarified that the £1.5m in funds budgeted from the Reserves for 2017-18 were actually from the POCA Reserves, leaving £3.5m remaining in the General Reserves as budgeted for draw down in 2018-19.
The Chamberlain agreed that the current position was better than had been predicted and suggested that there may even be an underspend in the final quarter. He explained that this would provide a robust Reserves starting position for the following year, though it could not be predicted at this stage.
The Chamberlain explained, however, that the budget had been balanced predominantly through a process of cost savings rather than efficiencies, and was therefore not sustainable. He explained that there was still |
Data Protection Bill 2017 PDF 105 KB Report of the Remembrancer Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Remembrancer that provided Members with an overview of the provisions in the Data Protection Bill 2017.
The Commissioner explained that it was important to note that the City of London Corporation and the City of London Police have separately nominated officers acting in the role of Data Protection Officer.
RESOLVED – That the report be received and the steps taken to ensure compliance with the provisions in the Data Protection Bill 2017 be noted.
Quarterly Community Engagement Update PDF 227 KB Report of the Commissioner of Police Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided an update on engagement activities across five main areas:
The Commissioner clarified for Members the role of the Mental Health Street Triage, as referenced within the report. He explained that it avoided the use of Police powers for individuals to be detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act (s136) by a qualified Mental Health Professional. The Commissioner explained that they were pleased that the total number of s136’s issued whilst the Street Triage was on duty for the period from 31 May to 31 August 2017 had been reduced to just 8.
The Commissioner explained that a trial operation involving collaborative working between CoLP officers and London Ambulance Service (LAS) cycle paramedics over the Christmas period had dealt with numerous incidents which had resulted in a reduction in the number of ambulances required to attend. It was noted that this had relieved the burden on the LAS at a time when their resources are also stretched to the limit A Member stated that they thought these incidents were worthy of recognition, and perhaps even funding, from the NHS. The Commissioner confirmed that there was no additional funding from the NHS/London Ambulance Service (LAS) for this work, though he had met with the Chief Executive of the LAS the previous week and work was underway to continue the initiative.
A Member noted the detailed mention of PREVENT internal engagement in the report, but queried the lack of mention of external work on the ground. The Commissioner confirmed that there was in fact significant engagement within the community currently but that it was important to note that the City of London Corporation |
Handcuffing of Juvenile Statistics PDF 279 KB Report of the Commissioner of Police Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that aimed to address Members’ concerns raised following the submission of a previous report submitted to the September 2017 meetings of Police Committee and Safeguarding Sub-Committee that contained a misleading comparison regarding the ‘use of force’ on juveniles in custody with the Metropolitan Police Service and Cambridgeshire Constabulary [Item 5 - Annual Update on the Custody of Vulnerable People, Police Committee, 21 September 2017].
The Chairman noted that this report highlighted a case in which lessons needed to be learned regarding the presentation of data. He also explained that a year-on-year comparison table with the Metropolitan Police Service would have been beneficial. The Commissioner explained that it was not yet possible to provide trend data on this as the data had only been collected by forces since 2016 as mandated by HMICFRS, though it would be possible to measure trends going forward once a baseline had been established.
The Chairman noted that the percentage of those over 65/66 within the table that had been subject to the use of force was surprisingly high. The Commissioner explained that it was likely a number of these could be attributed to individuals with mental health issues, and a number to repeat offenders. He also reiterated that the sample size was significantly smaller (approximately 30 individuals in total) than those of the Metropolitan Police for example.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Special Interest Area Updates Minutes: |
Safeguarding and Public Protection, ICV Scheme Nichloas Bensted-Smith to be heard Minutes: The Committee heard a verbal update on Safeguarding and Public Protection and the Independent Custody Visitor Scheme from the SIA lead.
The lead explained that the CoLP had rolled out a ‘sexual consent’ awareness campaign with the assistance of Victim Support in August 2017. The campaign, primarily centred around social media through the use of #Haveyougotthegreenlight, focused on raising awareness of this issue within the City, particularly amongst those likely to use licensed premises. The SIA lead explained that the campaign had received excellent feedback from the public, and was incorporated into the Christmas Campaign in December 2017.
The SIA lead explained that joint funding between Police, DCCS and CST had been agreed for a domestic abuse/VAWG coordinator to replace the previous temporary role.
The SIA lead explained that, following the HMIC report ‘in Harm’s Way’, significant work has been done to consider safeguarding and support of youths and vulnerable people in custody. This included the development of a support booklet currently awaiting print for those exiting custody. He also explained that a survey was now offered to juveniles on leaving custody to gather their feedback on the experience. The SIA Lead explained that the Duty Superintendent is now notified of all juveniles or vulnerable people in custody, and consideration is given for an independent visit to ascertain any issues relating to welfare.
The SIA Lead explained that the recent transfers to the NICHE system has enabled CoLP to reduce the volume of paper risk assessments and inefficient processes, resulting in the introduction of Public Protection Notices (PPNs) that simplify and formalise pathways for those identified at vulnerable people.
The SIA Lead also informed Members that the Independent Custody Visitor (ICV) Scheme has elected a new Chairman, Godfrey Baillon-Bending. The Deputy Chairman was due to be elected |
Accommodation and Infrastructure Deputy Chairman to be heard Minutes: This item was moved to the non-public session, following item 15. |
APCC Update Simon Duckworth to be heard Minutes: This item was moved to the non-public session, following item 15.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: The Committee received a question from a Member requesting consideration be given to the procurement of kneepads for firearms officers. The Member explained that due to the heavy lifting and kneeling involved in operation, the use of knee pads would likely reduce the risk of injury and prove to be a cost-effective purchase.
The Commissioner explained that as part of the National Uniform Managed Service items would be assigned to specific officer role profiles and supplied directly by the main supplier from May 2018. This request, alongside all other operational requirements, will be considered by the Operational Uniform Committee for adding to the role profile of appropriate officers. The Commissioner agreed to provide a detailed response to the Member on the matter via email. (4)
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Non-Public Minutes Non-public minutes from previous meetings Minutes: |
Police Committee - 15 Dec 2017 To agree Minutes: The Committee considered the non-public minutes from the last meeting, held on 15 December 2017. |
Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee - 30 Nov 2017 To receive Minutes: The Committee received the non-public minutes from the last meeting of the Performance and Resource Management Sub (Police) Committee, held on 30 November 2017. |
Non-Public Outstanding References Report of the Town Clerk Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk that summarised the outstanding actions from previous meetings. |
Secure City Programme Update and Resourcing Report of the Commissioner of Police Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that related to the Secure City Programme. |
Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP) Report of the Commissioner of Police Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Commissioner of Police regarding the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP). |
Provision of a Uniform Managed Service (NUMS) Report of the Chamberlain and the Corporate Services Category Board Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain and the Corporate Service Category Board regarding the City of London Police Uniform Managed Service.
STRA Growth Requirement Report of the Commissioner of Police Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police regarding the Strategic Risk Assessment (STRA) Process. |
Value for Money Update Report of the Commissioner of Police Minutes: |
Risk Register Update Report of the Commissioner of Police Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that updated Members on the CoLP risk profile |
Report of Action Taken Report of the Town Clerk Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk that action taken since the last meeting by the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, in accordance with Standing Order Nos.41(a) and 41(b). |
Police Accommodation Strategy Update The City Surveyor to be heard Minutes: This item was incorporated into the Accommodation and Infrastructure Update at item 9a.
Urgent Waiver Report - Hotel for Police Staff Report of the Commissioner of Police Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that informed Members of the decision by the Chamberlain to retrospectively approve a waiver of a Procurement Code Rule.
Commissioner's Updates Commissioner to be heard. Minutes: The Commissioner updated Members on the key developments affecting CoLP since the last meeting in December 2017.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the Committee agree should be considered whilst the public are excluded
TO BE PUT ON AGENDA FRONT SHEET UNDER TOWN CLERK NAME THEN REMOVED FROM HERE Dates of future meetings Future meetings of the Committee are scheduled for: - 18 May 2017; - 13 July 2017; - 21 September 2017; - 2 November 2017; and - 15 December 2017. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |