Venue: Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Alistair MacLellan Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Simon Duckworth. The Town Clerk noted that Alderman Emma Edhem would be arriving late. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 24 October 2019. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 24 October 2019 be approved as a correct record. |
Outstanding References PDF 116 KB Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding outstanding references and the following points were made.
17/2019/P – Term Limits for Police Authority Board Members
· The Town Clerk agreed to submit a report on term limits to the January 2020 meeting.
31/2019/P – Road Policing Figures
· A Member noted that the figures provided outside of the meeting had been basic and did not include accident/incident hot spots within the City. The Commissioner agreed to provide a fuller set of figures, including hot spots, outside of the meeting.
RESOLVED, that the report be received. |
Minutes - Economic Crime Committee PDF 85 KB To receive the draft public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 18 October 2019. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the draft public minutes and summary of the Economic Crime Committee meeting held on 18 October 2019 be received. |
Minutes - Performance and Resource Management Committee PDF 114 KB To receive the draft public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 15 November 2019 and consider the proposed resolution outlined therein. Minutes: Members considered the draft public minutes and summary of the Performance and Resource Management Committee meeting held on 15 November 2019 and the following points were made.
· The Chairman of the Committee noted that Members at that meeting had scrutinised the Budget Monitoring Q2 2019/20 report and the Medium-Term Financial Plan, noting that the latter was key to ensure a balanced sustainable budget was achieved going forward.
· The Chairman added that Members had also noted the disappointing crime statistics reported under the Policing Plan 2019/20 – Performance against Measures for end Q2 report, whilst acknowledging that Extinction Rebellion policing commitments had likely had an impact on wider performance.
· Members went on to discuss the Committee’s recommendation that the Police Authority Board adopt a resolution for the Audit and Risk Management Committee that strategic project management be made a Corporate Risk, in light of the internal audit report considered at the Performance and Resource Management Committee meeting.
· A Member cautioned that the Authority’s Audit and Risk Management Committee often received requests to adopt new Corporate Risks, of which there were now 17. In his view, it was arguably more effective to allow risks to be held and monitored by the Department concerned, only escalating those risks to Corporate level when they were underpinned by a strong case for doing so.
· Members noted that, whilst the Authority had strengthened the governance and oversight of strategic projects through the establishment of the Capital Buildings Committee, it would nevertheless be appropriate to move a resolution to the Audit and Risk Management Committee to suggest that it consider the adoption of strategic project management as a Corporate Risk.
· A Member noted that Members should be mindful, going forward, of their duty to scrutinise projects effectively.
· That the draft public minutes and summary of |
Special Interest Area Update A Special Interest Area Portfolio Holder to be heard. Minutes: The Special Interest Area Holder (SIAH) for Community Engagement and Anti-Social Behaviour was heard, and the following points were made.
· The SIAH noted that the top three types of anti-social behaviour remained largely unchanged, with begging/vagrancy figures in particular being difficult to unpick. He welcomed the report regarding Operation Luscombe later on the agenda.
· The SIAH noted that the new community engagement body that had replaced the Community Scrutiny Group and the Independent Advisory Group had yet to meet for the first time, and that he recommended the new body and its impact should be reviewed after it had been in operation for six months i.e. in May 2020 at which point he proposed looking at community engagement in greater depth as part of his next SIA update. |
Annual Stop and Search Update 2018-19 PDF 153 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered an annual update report of the Commissioner regarding Stop and Search 2018/19 and the following points were made.
· The T/Commander (Operations) highlighted the Force’s highest arrest rate for any force nationally with 32% of searches leading to an arrest. He noted that the Force had been making improvements against the HMICFRS recommendations concerning Stop and Search.
· A Member noted that the Force should push for the stop and search benchmark to be set against the wider London (rather than City) population, as per the point in the report that the majority of stop and search candidates in the City came from wider London, rather than the City’s residential population. The T/Commander welcomed the comment but noted that unfortunately this was not a publishable metric at present. The Chairman noted that he would raise this point with Her Majesty’s Inspector.
· The Commissioner noted that the Government had adopted a more pro-stop and search position, and highlighted that the tactic had a preventative value as well as leading to arrests i.e. a stop and search on a group of five persons had the potential to lead to only one arrest of an individual carrying a knife, but served to deter the remaining four.
· A Member noted that however disproportional stop and search figures were, it was important that the Force did not lose sight of the wider community’s experience of police interaction.
· In response to a question, the Assistant Commissioner reassured Members that the complaints referenced within the report were not serious enough to warrant IOPC involvement and would be submitted to the Board’s Professional Standards and Integrity Committee for scrutiny, as per standard practice.
· A Member noted that the number of stop and searches not being recorded properly stood at around 25% and queried whether this could be regarded |
Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered an annual update report of the Commissioner regarding the Custody of Vulnerable Persons (Yonug Persons, Children and Mental Health) and the following points were made.
· The T/Commander (Operations) noted that no City residents were among those detained but that nevertheless the City as the local authority was obliged to provide accommodation when a child was transferred out of custody. The Chairman requested that City of London Police Authority undertake a review of its local authority provision to ensure it was appropriate for vulnerable persons in Force custody i.e. it was readily available and, if provided elswhere within London, was suitably close to the City.
The T/Commander (Operations) added that HMICFRS had identified the
lack of exercise provision for those in custody at Bishopsgate
Police Station as a Red risk, and the Commissioner had therefore
direcred that this be reviewed with a view to providing suitalble
provision. The Commissioner agreed that this be made an outstanding
reference to allow the Board to satisfy itself that progress was
being made to address the risk.
· In response to a question, the T/Commander (Operations) confirmed that figures for children and young persons in custody were alreaady being collated for 2019/20 and committed to providing these outside of the meeting.
· In response to a question the T/Commander (Operations) noted that funding for Street Triage was available up until March 2020. The Commissioner added that a review was yet to take place at Force level on whether the Triage approach should continue beyond that date.
RESOLVED, that the report be received. |
Operation Luscombe Review PDF 1 MB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered a review report of the Commissioner regarding Operation Luscombe and the following points were made.
· The T/Commander (Operations) commended the officers involved in the delivery of Operation Luscombe and noted that, going forward, a greater emphasis would be placed on identifying, with partner, qualitative outcomes of Luscombe.
· In response to a question, the T/Commander (Operations) agreed to confirm whether the figures within the report referred to begging or begging & vagrancy; whether British Transport Police figures were included; and what the proposed timeline for review and funding was.
RESOLVED, that the report be received. |
Seeking a Public Space Protection Order - London Marathon Related Disorder PDF 227 KB Report of the Head of Community Safety.
Minutes: Members considered a report of the Head of Community Safety regarding the seeking of a Public Space Protection Order – London Marathon Related Disorder and the following points were made.
· The Chairman noted that consultation on the Order would commence once the General Election had taken place and would be concluded by the end of January 2020.
· The T/Commander (Operations) supported the proposal, noting that the level of policing required in previous years for that event was disproportionately high.
· The Commissioner noted that the ability of the Force or the Authority to charge Virgin London Marathon for associated policing costs was hindered by several legal challenges nationwide regarding the charging of event organisers for associated costs.
RESOLVED, that the report be received. |
Budget Monitoring Month Q2 2019/20 PDF 234 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding Budget Monitoring Month Q2 2019/20 and the following points were made.
· The Commissioner noted the shift in forecast outlined within the report and reminded Members that, in financial terms, this had been a challenging year for the Force and it remained so.
· The Chairman of the Performance and Resource Management Committee noted that his Committee had highlighted the £2.3m non-pay costs and their potential to impact on the Medium Term Financial Plan. The Commissioner noted that the Force had, to date, been focusing on pay costs but would now move its focus to these non-pay costs.
· The Treasurer welcomed the work done to date but emphasised that a deficit remained and that the use of reserves, or short-term savings, were only one-off solutions to address this.
· In response to a question, the Commissioner noted that the current recruitment was year one of a three-year programme.
· In response to a question, the Chief Financial and Chief Operating Officer agreed to confirm the reasons for the projected £1.8m variance described in table 2 outside of the meeting.
· A Member expressed the hope that the current round of recruitment would be utilised as an opportunity to improve the Force’s gender and Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) profiles.
RESOLVED, that the report be received.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: Vetting In response to a question regarding what level of resources would be appropriate to overcome the current backlog of vetting within the Force, the Assistant Commissioner replied that 123 applications were currently being considered, ranging from basic vetting up to Developed Vetting. Cases were prioritised according to operational need and a further vetting officer was being recruited to assist with current cases. The Chairman added that it was often the case that applicants were also tardy in supplying information in a timely fashion, which lent delays to the process. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There was one late report. |
Ethical Economic Partnerships Policy PDF 65 KB Joint report of the Commissioner and the Chief Executive of the City of London Police Authority. Minutes: Members considered a joint report of the Commissioner and the Chief Executive regarding an Ethical Economic Partnerships Policy. Members noted that the report would also be submitted to the Board’s Professional Standards and Integrity Committee.
· The Force should consult at the earliest opportunity with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Police Authority Board, and the Chief Executive of the Police Authority, about the legal form, financial value and reputational risk of any potential external economic partnership prior to this being formalised by the Force, including where appropriate taking any decision to the Police Authority Board;
· The Force should publish a register of organisations that the Force is in partnership with, including high level details; and
· The Force should provide an annual report to the Police Authority Board on its external partnerships.
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED, that under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. |
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2019. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2019 be approved as a correct record subject to an amendment being made. |
Non-Public Outstanding References Joint Report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered a joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner regarding nono-public outstanding references. |
Non-Public Minutes - Economic Crime Committee To receive the draft non-public minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2019.
Minutes: RESOLVED, that the draft non-public minutes of the Economic Crime Committee meeting held on 18 October 2019 be received. |
Non-Public Minutes - Police Accommodation Working Party To receive the draft non-public minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2019. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the draft non-public minutes of the Police Accommodation Working Party meeting held on 14 November 2019 be received. |
Non-Public Minutes - Performance and Resource Management Committee To receive the draft non-public minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2019. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the draft non-public minutes of the Performance and Resource Management Committee meeting held on 15 November 2019 be received. |
Commissioner's Updates The Commissioner & Chief Officers to be heard. Minutes: Members agreed that the order of items on the agenda should be amended so that Item 24 (Commissioner’s Updates) was considered next.
The Commissioner & Chief Officers were heard regarding current issues faced by the Force. |
City of London Police Medium Term Financial Plan Update Report of the Treasurer. Minutes: Members considered an update report of the Treasurer regarding the Medium-Term FInancial Plan. |
Funding the Capital Programme - City of London Police Authority and City of London Police Force Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding Funding the Capital Programme – City of London Police Authority and City of London Police Force.
Fees and Charges - Service Costing and Pricing Update Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered an update report of the Commissioner regarding Fees and Charges – Service Cost and Pricing.
RESOLVED, that given two hours had elapsed since the start of the meeting, Members agree to extend the meeting until the conclusion of business on the agenda in line with Standing Order 40 of the Court of Common Council.
Transform - High Level Target Operating Model Design Report of the Commissioner – TO FOLLOW. Minutes: Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding Transform – High Level Target Operating Model Design. |
Annual Health and Safety Update Report of the Commissioner – TO FOLLOW. Minutes: Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding the Annual Health & Safety Update. |
Commercial Partnerships Joint report of the Commissioner and Town Clerk – TO FOLLOW. Minutes: The Town Clerk noted that this report had been moved into public session (and retitled) at Item 14(a). |
Waiver Report: HRAT Specialist Training Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered a waiver report of the Commissioner regarding HRAT Specialist Training. |
City of London Police Vehicle Fleet Replacement Update Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered an update report of the Commissioner regarding City of London Police Vehicle Fleet Replacement. |
Non-Public Report on Action Taken Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: Members considered a non-public report on action taken. |
Request for Delegated Authority - Action/Know Fraud Programme Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding a request for delegated authority for the Action/Know Fraud Programme. |
Gateway 1/2/3/4 - Airwave Network Refresh Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: Members considered a Gateway 1/2/3/4 report of the Commissioner regarding Airwave Network Refresh. |
Non-Public Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: There was one non-public question. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the Board agrees should be considered whilst the public are excluded Minutes: There was one item of urgent business. |