Venue: Heathfield House, 432 Archway Road, N6 4JH
Contact: Leanne Murphy Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Karina Dostalova, Deputy John Tomlinson, Jan Brooker (Therese Gray attended to represent the Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee), Lucy Roots and Alison Watson. |
Declarations by Members of Any Personal and Prejudicial Interests in Respect of Items on This Agenda Minutes: There were no declarations. |
To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2018. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2018 be approved.
Matters Arising
Walking Guides A Member queried if the walking guides covering Highgate Woods had been made available in the café. It was agreed that this would be followed up with the chairman of the Highgate Society to check availability.
Ecology A Member queried whether a student was approached regarding the preparation of a leaflet to go to Lancaster Road residents regarding hedgehogs. The Highgate Wood, Conservation & Trees Manager agreed to look into options.
Online Archive In response to a question regarding creating an online archive of background documents on the City of London Corporation website, the Town Clerk agreed to write to the Corporate Affairs team to establish the scope for setting this up. The Superintendent noted that some older documents were not accessible as they were in the wrong standard/format.
Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee noted the various outstanding actions and the updates provided thereon.
With regards to Action 8, it was noted that this was two actions: 1) to contact Highgate School regarding potential representation on the HWCG and 2) to contact the Highgate Society regarding their representation on the HWCG. The Town Clerk agreed to update the actions list and contact both.
In response to a query regarding Action 9 concerning the criteria for a school representative, the Superintendent advised that it was recommended that the representative came from a local school within walking distance of Highgate Wood. |
Superintendents Update for October 2018 PDF 83 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: Members considered an update report of the Superintendent and the following points were made:
Roman Kiln Project
· The Highgate Wood, Conservation & Trees Manager advised Members that he had been working on this project with Friends of the Highgate Roman Kiln (FOHRK) and that an independent HLF Advisor had been commissioned to produce a report providing guidance on assembling a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) application.
· The Highgate Wood, Conservation & Trees Manager is working with the City Surveyors Department regarding revised updated costs (revised budget for the project estimated at £150,000) and will assist with the next bid.
· The Superintendent gave thanks to Heath Hands for their great volunteer input on this project.
Tree disease and biosecurity issues
· Members were advised that Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) was found in Highgate Wood on 11 June 2018 and a total of 71 nests were identified and removed from oak trees across the Wood.
· The Highgate Wood, Conservation & Trees Manager advised that it is anticipated that the number of nests will increase in 2019 in line with trends from other open spaces across London and that the Corporation were working with the Forestry Commission to deal with this. The Superintendent noted that natural options were being researched, e.g. a parasistic fly that stops the breeding stage of the moths.
· Members to provide their views on the updated draft Woodland Management Plan, as detailed in appendix 1;
· Members provide their views and feedback on the Highgate Wood – Part 2 Site Specific Events Policy, and in particular in relation to table 1, as set out in appendix 4;
· That the views of the Highgate Wood Consultative Group be conveyed to the Hampstead Heath Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park Committee at their meeting on 28 November 2018.
Appendix 1 - Woodland Management Plan 2018 PDF 3 MB Minutes: Members noted the draft Woodland Management Plan 2018-2028 and the following points were made:
· Members were advised that changes to the plan had been made were made incorporating the feedback made at the last HWCG meeting.
· A Member noted that smaller earthwork had not been included as suggested at the previous meeting.
· Members agreed that a line regarding climate change was needed in the plan.
Appendix 2 - Conservation Management Plan - 5 year review PDF 7 MB Minutes: Members noted the draft Conservation Management Plan 2013-2023 and the following points were made:
· Members were advised that the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) would provide a strategy for the future management of Highgate Wood and would be used to guide resources over the next 10 years. This was now being updated in line with the City of London Corporation’s Corporate Plan, the Divisional Plan and the Conservation Plan.
· It was noted that each policy has a sub policy. The green text meant that the priority had been achieve to timing; black text were priorities that were no longer a priority (with some stuck out completely) and red text indicated priorities that were still being worked on.
· With regards to “friends of” groups, a Member felt that indicating just Heath Hands would appear to just cover Hampstead Heath. It was suggested that the name be changed to Heath and Wood Hands which would be more inclusive and encourage recruitment from Highgate.
· A Member suggested approaching FORHK to support a wider remit of projects that did not only relate to this specific Group.
· Members discussed “friends of” groups. It was agreed they were useful despite having their own identity and agenda; however, Members felt that HWCG was the right setting for a balanced representation of ideas for Highgate Wood.
· Members agreed a school representative was needed on the HWCG. The Chairman recommended changing the wording referencing the HWCG in 3a to state that the Working Group was working to be more representative.
· Members discussed car park facilities and agreed that the current system worked well following changes, e.g. moving the post box and the system for dropping of supplies to the café to limit car use at the Wood. The Chairman felt that it needed to be made clear that accessibility at |
Appendix 3 - Open Spaces Departmental Events Policy (Part One) PDF 215 KB Minutes: Members noted the Open Spaces Departmental Events Policy (Part One). Members were advised that the passing of the City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Act 2018 had allowed the Corporation to develop a framework to guide its events on its Open Spaces.
It was noted that Part One had already been approved but provide specification for Highgate Wood’s events.
Appendix 4 - Highgate Wood Site Specific Events Policy (Part 2) PDF 255 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Members noted the draft Highgate Wood Site Specific Events Policy (Part Two): and the following points were made:
· It was noted that Highgate Wood hosted only a small number of events, so the policy was currently a limited requirement. However, the Superintendent was happy for community groups to think of events that would be suitable at Highgate Wood, e.g. jazz events at a café, sponsored walks, etc.
· Members discussed the different event locations which were separated into zones: Zone A – Sports Field and Zone B – Pavilion Café Garden. Members felt that Zone C was needed to cover activities in the wider parts of the Woods. It was noted that Zone C was mentioned on page 226 and Members agreed this needed expanding on page 222 with the other zone explanations.
· Members were advised that music events would need to obtain a music license from Haringey Council.
· The Superintendent drew Member’s attention to the proposed Event Scale (Table 1 – page 224) and explained that medium and large sized events would come to the HHCG for consultation before being approved by the Management Committee.
· Members were advised that commercial events will be charged in accordance with the structure set out in Section 11.1. The charging policy would differ for community and charitable events which will be assessed to determine an appropriate reduction or waiver of charges.
· Members were advised that the events application form would be available online. Members felt that the form was very long and requested that it either be cut down or for different forms to be available depending on the size of the event (small, medium or large).
· It was noted that access was the biggest issue concerning events as no vehicle larger than a skip lorry would be able to access the site.
· A |
Tender of the Highgate Wood Pavilion Café PDF 68 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath concerning the tender of the Highgate Wood Pavilion Café and the following points were made:
· Members were advised that the Highgate Wood Pavilion Café is currently operated by Hoxton Beach on a Tenancy at Will basis which provided no security for both parties.
· It was noted that the City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Act 2018 provided more scope regarding the tendering of the Highgate Wood Pavilion Café and it was now possible to offer a lease of up to15 years, or 21 years in exceptional circumstances.
· The report proposed that the Corporation use the powers contained within the Open Spaces Act 2018 to offer a longer lease in order to secure financial investment in the café facility. The suggested length of lease offered was a period of seven years with suitable break clauses and the option to extend for an additional three years, dependent upon performance and service delivery.
· The Superintendent advised that the HWCG’s feedback was important to the shortlisting and evaluation process and suggested that some Members be invited to the interviews of potential providers.
· Members were cautious of large commercial operators obtaining the contract as there had been problems with a chain business in the past. The Superintendent explained that the process looked at a wide range of things including environmental and social concerns and all operators would have to clearly identify its plans for the space.
· The Superintendent noted that a larger contract would allow the provider to invest in the space; however, performance would also be monitored on a quarterly basis. Operators would be asked to explain what investment was planned and this would be linked to the lease.
· In response to a query regarding whether the new operator would inherit machinery, the Superintendent |
Fees and Charges 2019/20 & 2020/21 PDF 61 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath regarding the proposed fees and charges for a range of sports facilities and services provided at Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park for 2019/20 and the proposed fees and charges for Weddings and Civil Ceremonies for 2020/21.
The Superintendent advised Members that prices had increased by the cost of living but there would be a 50% discount for blind cricket and a 40% discount for juniors.
It was noted that a new section had been added (Remediation Deposit) which would cover charges incurred by events, e.g. water, electricity, etc, and this was linked to the Events Policy.
RESOLVED – That the views of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee, Highgate Wood Consultative Group, and Queen’s Park Consultative Group be conveyed to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee at their 28 November 2018 meeting.
Questions Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: There was no other business. |
Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting is 3 April 2019 from 4.00pm at Heathfield House, 432 Archway Road, N6 4JH. Minutes: Members noted that the date of their next meeting would be on 3 April 2019. The Superintendent noted that the start time of the meeting may change from 4.00 to 5.00pm and that Members would be notified well in advance of the meeting. |