Venue: Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Leanne Murphy Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Stuart Fraser, William Upton, Councillor Melvin Cohen, Oliver Sells and Graeme Smith.
The Chairman noted the displays provided at the pre-meeting discussion session which were an innovative way to display projects to Members. These were used at the Committee’s 30th anniversary dinner and available for display at any City of London Corporation events. |
Members Declarations under the Code of Conduct in Respect of Items on This Agenda Minutes: There were no declarations. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 28 November 2018. Minutes: RESOLVED, that the public minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2018 were approved as a correct record subject to the change of Consultative Committee/Groups being referred to as Sub Committees in Items 4 and 19. |
Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: Members noted the various outstanding actions and the update provided thereon.
Regarding Action 1 to identify a representative for people with a physical disability, the Chairman advised that Leonard Cheshire were identifying a representative to fulfil this role to be welcomed at the next meeting.
RESOLVED – That the report to the Policy & Resources Committee on 14 March 2019 be deferred until 11 April 2019 to allow the General Purposes Committee of Alderman to formally input on the report and any further changes in the lead up to the Court’s appointment of Committees be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.
Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee Minutes PDF 107 KB To receive the draft public minutes of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee meeting held on 11 February 2019. Minutes: The draft public minutes of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee meeting held on 11 February 2019 were received. |
Superintendent's Update PDF 85 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: Members considered a report of the Superintendent providing an update on matters concerning Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park. The following points were made:
· Camden Eruv, 2016/1436/P. Members were advised that this has been approved.
· North Westminster Eruv, 2016/2892/P. Members were advised that this has been approved.
· Garden House, 2017/2885/P. The Superintendent advised that this was a complicated application which was yet to be determined.
· The Water House, Millfield Lane 2017/3692/P. The Superintendent advised that this was progressing as a construction project and the development was due to complete in September. A further application would follow for landscape work.
· Parliament Hill William Ellis School 2018/1270/P. The Superintendent noted that Officers were represented on the Community Working Group and continued to engage concerning trees.
· South Fairground Site. The Superintendent advised that an appeal would start in April and that evidence from the Corporation was submitted last week.
· North Fairground Site 2017/4346/P. A Public Inquiry is scheduled to take place in early February 2019 as the October appeal was postponed due to the main witness being unavailable.
· Jack Straws Castle 2017/2064/P. A decision has not yet been determined by the London Borough of Camden.
· 55 Fitzroy Park, 2018/3672/P. The Superintendent stated that the City of London Corporation had submitted an objection to this application and were monitoring the case being led by the London Borough of Camden. The Corporation have instructed counsel and commissioned consultants to assess the basement.
· The Superintendent advised that the Corporation had submitted an objection to Kentish Town planning application and provided comments regarding the impact on Hampstead Heath.
Tree Inspections
· Members were advised that recent storms had caused significant tree loss to Hampstead Heath and Highgate Wood. The Team have carried out full inspections and closed off at risk areas |
Appendix 1 - Plans to restore Constable's Branch Hill Pond PDF 1 MB Minutes: Members noted the plans to restore Constable’s Branch Hill Pond.
Appendix 2 - Adventure Playground concept design PDF 88 KB Minutes: Members noted the Adventure Playground concept design.
Appendix 3 - Terms of Reference for the Cafe Working Group PDF 60 KB Minutes: Members considered the draft Terms of Reference for the Cafe Working Group and the following comments were made:
Appendix 4 - Outline brief for the Highgate Men's Bathing Pond PDF 299 KB Minutes: Members considered an outline brief for the Highgate Men’s Bathing Pond and the following comments were made:
Appendix 5 - Draft Golders Hill Park Accessible Car Park Questionnaire PDF 164 KB Minutes: Members noted the draft Golders Hill Park Accessible Car Park Questionnaire.
Appendix 6 - Hampstead Heath Croquet Club - Croquet Development Plan PDF 398 KB Minutes: Members considered a proposal to progress the Croquet Development Plan project initiative through developing a Capital Projects Gateway 1 & 2 report and the following comments were made:
· The Superintendent advised that a joint request had been received from the Parliament Hill Bowls Club and Hampstead Heath Croquet Club to extend the lease, which was due to expire in April, for the Parliament Hill Bowls Lawn for a further ten years.
Appendix 7 - Projects Sub Minute - February 2019 PDF 41 KB Minutes: Members noted the Projects Sub Committee meeting minute from February 2019 concerning the Gateway 2 Project Proposal (Regular) report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding Queen’s Park Sandpit Refurbishment and Public Toilet Rebuild.
Appendix 8 - Income and expenditure 2017/18 and 2018/19 PDF 241 KB Minutes: Members noted the update regarding income and expenditure 2017/18 and 2018/19 as requested at the previous meeting.
Management Framework PDF 56 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered and approved a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath concerning the Management Framework.
Members were advised that the Hampstead Heath Management Strategy 2018-2028, the Divisional Plan 2019-2022 and the Annual Work Programme 2019-2020 for Hampstead Heath had been updated to align with the Outcomes and Priorities forming the Management Framework and contribute towards the realisation of the Heath Vision in the long term.
Members agreed the document was comprehensive and clear. It was noted that a summary for deadlines would be helpful. The Superintendent advised that everything would be captured in the Annual Report in June.
The Chairman thanked Members and Officers for their hard work in developing the Management Framework.
· Members approve the print version of the Hampstead Heath Management Strategy 2018-2028 (Appendix 1);
· Members approve the draft Divisional Plan 2019-2022 (Appendix 2);
· Members approve the draft Annual Work Programme 2019-2020 (Appendix 3). |
Review of the 2018 Events Programme & Provisional 2019 Events Programme PDF 67 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. (N.B. – To be read in conjunction with non-public appendices at Item _) Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered an update report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath providing Members with a review of the 2018 Events Programme and the provisional 2019 Events Programme. The following points were made:
· The Leisure and Events Manager advised Members that 115 high-quality events took place at the Heath in 2018. Three big highlights included the Night of 10,000m PB’s which was a huge joint community event, This Girl Can and the Circus.
· In response to a query regarding previous protests against the annual Circus event, Members were advised that a risk assessment was carried out and the concern for protesters was managed very well using fencing which provided more security.
· The Leisure and Events Manager advised that the 2019 Events Programme was already developing well. Returning events included Give It A Go which would not clash with the Football World Cup in 2019 and the international event Night of 10,000m PB’s (6 July) which would include the European Championships and the World Trials and would again be shown on the BBC’s red button. The Chairman encouraged Members to attend these popular events.
· A Member noted that of the 86 events currently in the events calendar for 2019, 80 of them were held in the summer and questioned why more organisations were not encouraged to have events in off-peak months. He suggested looking at what other London open spaces were doing, e.g. Hyde Park’s Christmas fayre and ice skating. The Chairman stated that the 2018 Open Spaces Act allowed for different types of commercial events to be assessed again. It was noted that the large events took a huge amount of planning.
· In response to a query regarding how much hosting these events provided, the Superintendent confirmed that costs went into the infrastructure and land and were not income generators.
· Members |
Gateway 2 - Queen's Park Sandpit Refurbishment & Public Toilet Rebuild PDF 163 KB Report of the Director of Open Spaces. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered and approved a Gateway 2 report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath concerning the Queen’s Park Sandpit Refurbishment and Public Toilet Rebuild.
Members were advised that this project had gone to the Projects Sub Committee on 20 February 2019 and was approved to go to the next gateway. The minute from this meeting was included in the agenda pack under the Superintendent’s update.
For context, Members were advised that due to the significant capital expense from a number of key large projects currently coming through the Corporation, all projects that were not yet at Gateway 5 would be reviewed under new criteria as part of a fundamental review of revenue and projects.
A Member queried whether funds were available in the Director’s budget for this project. The Director of Open Spaces advised that the revenue budget was also in shortfall, but there was no flexibility to cover this as it was a capital project and therefore needed to go through the correct process.
In response to a query regarding the possibility for commercial infrastructure levy, Members were advised that Brent Council had been approached regarding possible funding for this project; however, this funding required additional demands and costs which would significantly raise the specification of the project,
RESOLVED - That the project progress to Gateway 3/4 - Options Appraisal on the Regular route at a cost of £14,000. |
Tree Pests and Diseases: Oak Processionary Moth urgent update PDF 108 KB Report of the Director of Open Spaces. Minutes: Members noted a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding tree pests and diseases providing an urgent update on Oak Processionary Moth (OPM). The following comments were made:
· The Director of Open Spaces advised that the spread of OPM across the Corporation’s Open Spaces had been assessed for the last two years, with Hampstead Heath being the longest affected space. This was now recorded in all 33 London Boroughs and had now reached Epping Forest.
· Members were advised that the disease was a significant problem with significant expenditure being spent by the Corporation to manage the pest due to the public health risk. It was anticipated that the resource demands for the control of OPM in future years will be in excess of £250,000 annually.
· The Director of Open Spaces confirmed that controlling the pest did not eradicate the problem and the focus was to protect public car parks, children’s parks, paths and sports areas to prevent the risk.
· An education programme is in development to educate the public on OPM and what to do if they encounter it.
· Members were advised that in December 2018, it was agreed with the Forestry Commission that Hampstead Heath would be used as a pilot site to tackle OPM which would include the spraying of trees and nest removal along with significant forest research. This pilot scheme would assist with the development of a national programme of best practice to control was noted that the DEFRA Minister was supportive of this work and had had a meeting with the Director of Open Spaces and the Chair of the Policy & Resources Committee.
· A Member voiced the Corporation’s duty to protect the 800 veteran oak trees that were at risk.
· Members were concerned by the potential public nuisance OPM could cause in future; |
Final Departmental High-level Business Plans 2019/20 - Open Spaces Department PDF 63 KB Report of the Director of Open Spaces. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members noted a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding the final high-level business plan for the Open Spaces Department for 2019/20.
Brexit Update The Director of Open Spaces to be heard. Minutes: Members heard a verbal update from the Director of Open Spaces concerning Brexit.
The Director of Open Spaces advised Members that the current focus for the Open Spaces Department was to ensure that grant aid was not compromised, and they were working with DEFRA to safeguard this.
With regards to board control, the Corporation’s Environmental Services Team were working with DEFRA to work out control measures post-Brexit and how the ports would be used. It was confirmed that contingency plans were in place to protect the current level of corporation with Europe.
Kenwood House 2019 Events programme PDF 108 KB The Kenwood House General Manager to be heard. Additional documents: Minutes: Members noted a report from Kenwood House regarding its current 2019 Events Programme.
· The Kenwood House General Manager advised Members that the first of two consultation meetings had taken place on 11 March 2019 to discuss and get feedback from the community regarding the plans for events, particularly keynote events (Concerts and House Festival), at Kenwood House in 2019. Members were advised that previous concerns regarding the set up/building of event staging had been resolved with one building company now setting up all events which would have smaller infrastructure and cause less disturbance to local residents. The cost of event tickets had also been reduced following feedback.
· Highlights on the events programme included the How the Light Gets n Festival on 21-22 September and the Financial Times Festival on 7 September which would also include a Rembrandt unfiltered event. It was noted that 2019 would mark 350 years since Rembrandt’s death which would be celebrated at Kenwood.
· It was agreed that a presentation of the feedback, local concerns and how Kenwood addressed them would be given at the next meeting.
Report from Heath Hands. Minutes: Members noted a report from Heath Hands regarding providing Members with the volunteering highlights for 2018/19.
Members were advised that the Chairman and Superintendent attended a meeting with the Trustees in the morning and session leaders were needed.
The Chairman stated that 2019 marked the 20thanniversary of Heath Hands and Members echoed congratulations for the ongoing hard work of all volunteers at Hampstead Heath and Kenwood House.
Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: There were four urgent items:
Ponds screening The Chairman reminded Members that they were all invited to a special screening of ‘The Ponds’ to take place at the Barbican Cinema at 2pm on Sunday 17 March and that the tickets had sold out.
Hampstead Heath 30th Anniversary The Chairman thanked Members for their 30th anniversary celebration ideas at the last meeting and advised that pin badges and special posters commemorating the anniversary had now been produced. An all Court visit to Hampstead Heath was being arranged and would likely take place on a Friday in June.
Following to recent 100 Freedoms for 100 Women event, the Deputy Chair had suggested a 30 Freedoms for 30 Years which was in progress.
A community sports event was being planned for Autumn as an external celebratory event and all event sport leaders and Partners would be invited.
Committee Dinner – January 2019 The Chairman was pleased that the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen's Park Committee Dinner on 6 February 2019 was well attended and advised that the next dinner was booked to take place at the Apothecaries' Hall on 30 January 2020.
Sports engagement Members were advised that sports engagement had previously been managed by the Communications Team, but that this was now under Corporate Affairs and they were recruiting a full time Sports Engagement Officer. The Chairman stated that the Chairmen of a number of Committees incorporating sports engagement were concerned by the new structure which did not account for community sports engagement, health and wellbeing, etc, and a draft resolution had been prepared by the Chairmen with five pillars identified for consideration to go to the Policy & Resources Committee to bring in all work across the City and its Open Spaces.
It was noted that the proposed resolution was |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act as follows:-
Item No. Paragraphs in Schedule 12A
Minutes: RESOLVED, that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2018. Minutes: |
Superintendent's Update (Non-Public) The Superintendent of Hampstead Heath to be heard. Minutes: Members heard a non-public update from the Superintendent concerning matters regarding Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park.
Review of the 2018 Events Programme & Provisional 2019 Events Programme To be read in conjunction with Item _. Minutes: Members received two non-public appendices to be read in conjunction with Item 8 concerning the Events Programme. |
Non-Public Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent and Which the Committee Agree Should Be Considered Whilst the Public Are Excluded Minutes: There were no urgent items. |