Sir Charles Edward Beck Bowman (Alderman)

Profile image for Sir Charles Edward Beck Bowman (Alderman)

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Members' Room
PO Box 270


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Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 06/08/2019 -

Additional Information

Charles is a senior professional in the F&PS Sector. He retired as a senior partner of PwC in September 2020 after a 37 year career with the firm. Charles continues working with PwC, in advisory capacity, on a part-time basis. Alongside this, Charles holds a number of director, trustee and other roles.


Charles joined PwC in 1983 and throughout his career with the firm specialised in delivering audit, assurance and capital market transactions services to listed companies. He led the PwC business responsible for serving the firm's larger listed audit clients. Other roles included sponsor partner for the firm's Building Public Trust programme, Non-Executive representative for the UK's Tax practise and lead partner of the UK firm's Senior Networking Programme. Outside of PwC, he has served as the Chairman of the Audit and Assurance Faculty of the ICAEW, a member of its governing body and Chairman of the Audit Quality Forum. Charles has also served as a magistrate, a member of the Advisory Counsel for the Prince of Wales' Accounting for Sustainability project, adviser to the Mansion House Scholarship Scheme and a governor of an academy primary school in Hackney.


Charles is a liveryman and court member of the Worshipful Company of Grocers and a liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.


Elected as an Alderman in May 2013, he served as Sheriff of the City of London in 2015/16 and as the 690th Lord Mayor of London in 2017/18. His mayoral theme was “The Business of Trust”.


Charles is a signatory to the City of London Corporation Members’ Diversity Charter: Corporate governance - City of London