Ward: Lime Street
Other members representing this Ward:
Email: dominic.christian@cityoflondon.gov.uk
Download Dominic Gerard Christian contact details as VCard
Dominic is Global Chairman of Aon’s Reinsurance Solutions and a member of the Global Executive of Aon. Prior to this he was CEO of Aon UK Ltd and Executive Chairman of Aon Benfield International. He was honoured to become a Common Councillor in 2016 for the Ward of Lime Street. He is former Deputy Chairman of Lloyd’s and for nine years was privileged to be a member of its Council/Board. He Chairs Inclusion@Lloyd’s. He was a Director of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation; the Bermuda Society and he is Chairman of the Lloyd’s Tercentenary Research Foundation. Dominic Chairs the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts (SCVA), ClimateWise and is a Trustee of the Gloucester 1682 Trust. He is Non-Executive Chairman of the engineering company ZPE Ltd and a Board observer of Save Money Cut Carbon. He is President of Lloyd’s Football Club and Lloyd’s Art Club although his fitness levels and talent preclude active participation in either.
He holds an honours degree in History from the University of East Anglia and an Honorary Doctorate in Civil Law.
He is married to Kate, a Canadian, and has two children, Joey and Julia. His children describe his interests as family, conversation, history, architecture, football, tennis, cats and overworking. Not all are approved of.