Joanna Tufuo Abeyie MBE

Profile image for Joanna Tufuo Abeyie MBE

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Members' Room
PO Box 270


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Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 23/03/2022 - 19/03/2025
  • 19/03/2025 - 21/03/2029

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information




Joanna, is a former journalist and broadcaster, and has dedicated her 14 year career to increasing the employment of diverse talent through inclusive hiring practices, and by creating inclusive working cultures.


In 2006, at aged 18, she launched her first charity, Elevation Networks, alongside six colleagues. In 2008, she started her own social enterprise, Shine Media, which saw her place over 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds into work within creative industries.


Joanna’s latest enterprise is founding Blue Moon, a flagship inclusive executive search business and diversity and inclusion consultancy practice. Before Blue Moon, she founded Hyden, part of FTSE 250 global recruiter SThree, an executive search and consultancy business.


Co-Secretariat for The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Creative Diversity, Non-Executive Director Investors in People, Trustee for the Lord Mayors Appeal, Innocence Project London and Leadership through Business and Sport, Expert Advisory Board Member for New Scotland Yard Counter Terrorism Group, UN Women UK and Hal Leonard Europe.


Joanna is a Livery woman at the Habderdashers Company, of which she is governor of two of their schools.