Venue: Livery Hall - Guildhall
Contact: Zoe Lewis Email:
No. | Item | |||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Emily Benn, Ian Bishop-Laggett, Deputy John Fletcher, Jaspreet Hodgson, Deputy Brain Mooney, Judith Pleasance and Alderman Sir David Wootton. |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
ORDER OF THE COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL* PDF 130 KB To receive the order of the Court of Common Council dated 27 April 2023, appointing the Committee and approving its Terms of Reference.
Minutes: The Committee received the Order of the Court of Common Council of 27 April 2023 appointing the Committee and setting out its terms of reference for the ensuing year.
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN To elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 29. Minutes: The Committee proceeded to elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 29.
Being the only Member expressing a willingness to serve, Deputy Shravan Joshi was re-elected as Chair of the Committee.
RESOLVED – That Deputy Shravan Joshi be elected Chairman in accordance with Standing Order 29 for the year ensuing.
On being elected, the Chairman thanked the Committee for its support.
The Chairman went on to pay tribute to those Members who had now left the Committee – Alderman Alastair King, Alderman Bronek Masojada, Deputy Keith Bottomley, Andy Mayer, Deputy James Thomson, Martha Grekos and Alethea Silk.
The Chair also welcomed new Members of the Committee – Alderwoman Jennette Newman, Deputy Simon Duckworth, Hugh Selka and Dawn Frampton.
ELECTION OF DEPUTY CHAIRMAN To elect a Deputy Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 30. Minutes: The Committee proceeded to elect a Deputy Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 30.
Being the only Member expressing a willingness to serve, Deputy Graham Packham was duly elected as Deputy Chair of the Committee.
The Chairman thanked the outgoing Deputy Chairman, Deputy Alastair Moss for his contributions to the Committee.
RESOLVED – That Deputy Graham Packham be elected Deputy Chairman in accordance with Standing Order 30 for the year ensuing.
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 7 March 2023. Minutes: The Committee considered the public minutes and summary of the Planning and Transportation Committee held on 7 March 2023 and approved them as a correct record.
Matters Arising In response to a Member’s request for an update on the Bank Junction Traffic and Timing Review, an Officer advised that this would be considered by the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee on 23 May and would then be considered at the next meeting of the Planning and Transportation Committee.
A Member asked about the expected completion date for the Bank Junction works and was advised that the majority of the works would be completed before the Lord Mayor’s Show, with the remaining works scheduled for completion in spring 2024. |
APPOINTMENT OF SUB-COMMITTEES PDF 124 KB Report of the Town Clerk. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the appointment of its Sub-Committees, their composition and terms of reference. The Town Clerk advised that under the new standing orders, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of a sub-committee would be the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the appointing committee or their nominees subject to the support of the wider Committee membership.
Streets and Walkways Sub Committee The Town Clerk announced that with seven Members expressing an interest in standing for the seven available spaces from the Planning and Transportation Committee, a ballot would not be required.
Local Plans Sub-Committee The Town Clerk announced that with nine Members expressing an interest in standing for the five available spaces from the Planning and Transportation Committee, a ballot would be required.
MOTION – A Motion was put and seconded that for the ensuing year, the Sub-Committee should be expanded to include nine members of the Committee (excluding the Chairman and Deputy Chairman) rather than five Members, to ensure continuity.
The Motion was put and fell with 8 votes for, 13 votes against and 1 abstention.
RESOLVED – That the appointment, composition and terms of reference of the sub-committees for the ensuing year are approved as follows: - 1) Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee · The Chairman of the Grand Committee · The Deputy Chairman of the Grand Committee as Chairman Seven other Members as follows: · Deputy Randall Anderson · John Edwards as Deputy Chairman · Deputy Marianne Fredericks · Deputy Edward Lord · Deputy Alastair Moss · Alderwoman Susan Pearson · Ian Seaton
Terms of Reference
Outstanding Actions PDF 144 KB Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk setting out its list of Outstanding Actions.
APPOINTMENTS TO THE CRIME AND DISORDER SCRUTINY COMMITTEE To appoint the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, or their representatives, as Members of the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee. Minutes: The Committee considered a report to appoint the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, or their representatives, as Members of the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee.
RESOLVED – That the Committee appoint Deputy Shravan Joshi and Luis Tilleria as Members of the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee.
Charges for Property Searches PDF 145 KB Report of the Planning & Development Director. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Planning & Development Director concerning an increase in charges for property searches.
In response to a Member’s question, an Officer stated that fees had not changed since 2009, as since then the responsibilities of the service had changed and the size of team had reduced so the fees had been sufficient to cover costs. He stated that the fees were now no longer covering the costs of the team.
In response to Members’ questions, the Officer stated that the number of searches being undertaken was relatively consistent and had recovered well since the reduction at the start of the covid pandemic. Also, the fee increases were consistent with the fees of other central London boroughs.
A Member stated that the method for calculating the fees was not included in the report and requested that this be provided with the next report to the Committee. He stated that there was a need to ensure the costs covered the full costs and this would enable the Committee to consider further potential increases in the future. The Officer outlined the costs that were included in the figures.
RESOLVED – That the Committee 1) agree the increase in fees for Property Searches, as set out in Appendix 1 of the Officer report; 2) agree that the next report to the Committee include the full cost breakdown. |
Adoption of Statement of Community Involvement and Developer Engagement Guidelines PDF 125 KB Report of the Planning and Development Director. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were informed that consultation on the statutory Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and the non-statutory Developer Engagement Guidance had taken place, and in advance of the formal adoption, developers had been encouraged to meet the requirements in the developer engagement guidance. An Officer stated that there had been relatively few comments back and most of the comments back were in support of the documents. The development industry, in particular, was very supportive of the principles involved in the guidance and the SCI. Local residents were also supportive. Members were informed that changes had been made to the documents following comments received in the consultation. The Chairman thanked Officers for their work. A Member asked for more information on the composition and terms of reference of two of the groups which had made representation - City of London Access Group and the City of London Conservation Area Advisory Committee. An Officer stated an information report would be submitted to the next Committee meeting. In response to a Member’s question, an Officer stated applications with 10 or more objections were submitted to the Planning Applications Sub-Committee and those with fewer were considered under Delegated Authority. The Officer stated that the Scheme of Delegation had been agreed by the Court of Common Council. There was flexibility within this so if Officers or Members considered it appropriate, a particular application could be considered by the Sub-Committee. A Member commented that the quality and not just the quantity of objections should be considered. Another Member stated that judgements should be made on the weight of each objection, rather than each objection counting as one. In response to a Member’s questions about the Bevis Marks Synagogue, an Officer stated that the nature of objections was considered e.g. whether they were material planning considerations. If |
Local Implementation Plan Funded Schemes 2023/24 PDF 142 KB Report of the Executive Director, Environment. Minutes: The Committee received a report covers the provision of Transport for London (TfL) Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding to the City of London Corporation for the year 2023/24. . RESOLVED – That the Committee
1. Approve the allocations up to the maximum set out in Table 1 (£556k), for the year 2023/24; 2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director Environment, in consultation with the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the Planning & Transportation Committee and of the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee, to allocate any additional funds which are made available by TfL in 2023/24 financial year; 3. Approve to spend any funds awarded for Principal Road Renewal for the year 2023/24 as outlined on page 129 of the agenda; 4. Delegate authority to the Executive Director Environment to reallocate the TfL grant between the approved LIP schemes should that be necessary during 2023/24 up to a maximum of £150,000. |
City Fund Highway Declaration: 120 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2BE PDF 123 KB Report of the City Surveyor. Additional documents:
Minutes: The report sought approval to declare a volume of City Fund owned airspace measuring 433 square feet, situated at 120 Fleet Street to be surplus to highway requirements to allow its disposal in conjunction with the permitted development. Members were shown photographs and plans. In response to a Member’s question, an Officer stated that where oversails projected into City Fund owned airspace or land, the use of the airspace could be regularised in return for a premium and costs paid. This was routinely done for oversails. In response to a Member’s question, the Legal Officer stated that disposal terms were not within the Planning and Transportation’s terms of reference. She advised that the decision for the Committee was whether the airspace was surplus to highway requirements. In response to a Member’s question about the funds generated from the disposal, the Legal Officer stated that it would go into the general City Fund. The Chairman stated that the Committee should not be influenced by the commercial aspects of the transaction and there would be no benefit to the Planning and Transportation Committee or the Built Environment Department if this was approved. RESOLVED – That the Committee resolve to declare a volume of City Fund owned airspace totalling 433 sqft (held for highway purposes), situated around 120 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2BE, to be surplus to highway requirements to enable its disposal upon terms to be approved under the delegated authority of the City Surveyor SUBJECT TO the City Surveyor and the Deputy Director of Transportation and Public Realm first determining the relevant ordnance datum levels to suitably restrict the vertical extent of the leasehold airspace demise and ensure sufficient highway stratum is retained by the City as highway authority.
MIPIM Property Conference 2023* PDF 213 KB Report of the Executive Director of Environment/City Surveyor. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Executive Director of Environment/ City Surveyor concerning the City of London Corporation’s activities at the MIPIM property exhibition in March 2023.
A Member stated the importance of looking at performance indicators to assist with planning for the next MIPIM exhibition and requested that when the funding report was presented to the Committee for the next MIPIM Exhibition, that more detail be included about expectations so that the success of attending could be measured. The Chairman stated that MIPIM had been supported for several years. In recent years this particular event had been undertaken in the context of Opportunity London, a series of events and panels to promote London and key projects. Investments were long-term so it was difficult to provide KPI figures. However over 90% of property investment in the square mile was from international investors. At MIPIM, the Corporation’s key policies and strategies were outlined to investors to enable them to decide whether these policies aligned with their own values and whether to invest. An Officer stated that MIPIM was the biggest international property fair and the City’s competitors attended. The Opportunity London Group had agreed that the Corporation had delivered an exemplar programme of events over the two and a half days. 20 meetings had been held with international investors, sovereign wealth funds managers and pension fund managers, promoting key messages. Members were provided with a handout of these key messages. The Officer provided anecdotal examples of potential investment as a result of attending MIPIM. He advised that quantifying the investment that came into the City post attendance, was difficult as this could be short, medium or long term, however the Officer outlined anecdotal examples of potential investment and stated that it would be possible to put KPIs against objectives of |
Environment Department High-Level Business Plan 2023/24* PDF 113 KB Report of the Executive Director, Environment. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Environment concerning the revised version of the high-level Business Plan which incorporated the changes requested by the Committee in March 2023.
RESOLVED – That the Committee note the revised version of the Environment Department’s high-level Business Plan 2023/24. |
Public Lift and Escalator Report* PDF 230 KB Report of the City Surveyor. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor which outlined the availability and performance of publicly accessible lifts and escalators monitored and maintained by City Surveyors.
RESOLVED - That Members note the report. |
Public Report of Action Taken* PDF 143 KB Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk concerning actions taken by the Town Clerk since the last meeting of the Committee, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, in accordance with Standing Order Nos. 41(a) and (b).
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
To Note The Draft Minutes of the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee - 7 March 2023* PDF 171 KB Minutes: The Committee received the draft public minutes of the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee meetings on 7 March 2023.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee Minutes: In response to a question about how hotels, increased residential usage of property and future designs were encouraged when there was a restriction on this type of development and whether there were plans to encourage more mixed usage as well as increasing residential properties within the City, an Officer stated that hotels and residential uses would be considered at the next Local Plans Sub-Committee. He also stated that the Local Plan would be considered by the Planning and Transportation in the Autumn. A Member commented that there were some buildings in the City which were appropriate for residential conversion. |
Any other Business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: Delegated Authority Request An Officer stated that a Gateway 4 report for the St Paul’s gyratory project would be considered by the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee on 23 May 2023. This report would seek approval to progress the design of one highway layout option and associated public space improvements to public consultation.
Members were informed that, as the project was over £5 million in value, a Gateway 4B report was then required to be submitted to the Court of Common Council for approval. Members were further informed that as the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee did not have the authority as a sub-committee to refer matters to the Court of Common Council, the Planning and Transportation Committee would need to recommend the Gateway 4b report for approval.
The Officer requested that given the timing of Committee meetings, to maintain the St Paul’s Gyratory project’s programme and meet the needs of the developer of 81 Newgate Street, the Committee delegate authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to consider the decision of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee and refer it to the Court of Common Council meeting on 22 June 2023, accordingly.
RESOLVED – That the Committee agree the delegated authority request.
SHORTLISTING FOR AWARDS The Chairman reported that the Planning Division had been shortlisted for six awards in the prestigious Planning Awards and Building London Planning Awards including National Planning Authority of the Year.
Members were informed that the Planning Division had also been shortlisted for their ground-breaking initiatives on: · Free to visit inclusive public elevated areas in developments (A View for All) · Carbon options planning advice note · Suicide prevention planning advice note · Thermal comfort guidelines
The Chairman wished Officers luck at the awards. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Non-public minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2023. Minutes: The Committee considered the non-public minutes of the Planning and Transportation Committee held on 7 March 2023 and approved them as a correct record.
Report of Non-Public Actions Taken Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk concerning actions taken by the Town Clerk since the last meeting of the Committee, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, in accordance with Standing Order Nos. 41(a) and (b).
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Non-Public questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions raised in the non-public session. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the committee agrees should be considered whilst the public are excluded Minutes: There were no additional, urgent items of business for consideration in the non-public session. |