Venue: Committee Room - 2nd Floor West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: George Fraser 020 7332 1174
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Deputy Doug Barrow and Bob Benton.
The Deputy Chairman agreed to Chair the meeting in place of Deputy Doug Barrow. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Lucy Sandford declared that, whilst she was attending this meeting in her capacity as a representative of the Partnership for Young London, she is also a Member of the Police Committee.
There were no further declarations. |
To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2017 Minutes: The Group considered the minutes from the previous meeting, held on 15 September 2017.
RESOLVED – That the minutes be approved. |
Outstanding Actions PDF 152 KB Report of the Town Clerk Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk that summarised the outstanding references from previous meetings.
OR 3 – Health & Wellbeing Update It was confirmed by the Health and Wellbeing Team that an update focusing on Drug & Alcohol would be submitted to the next meeting, on 21 February 2018. (1)
OR 4 – Information Sharing Protocol The Chairman asked who was leading on the production of the draft information sharing protocol. The Head of Change Portfolio Office explained that she would follow this up and provide feedback over the coming days. The Town Clerk agreed to keep Members updated on progress, and circulate the draft document when it is made available. (2)
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Health and Wellbeing Update PDF 87 KB Report of Community & Children's Services Minutes: The Group received a report of the Health and Wellbeing Team that provided Members with an update on recent work carried out.
The Health & Wellbeing Team representative apologised to Members for the long period since the last update, owing to staff shortages at previous meetings.
The Health & Wellbeing Team representative explained that officers from the Department of Community and Children’s Services, City of London Police and Trading Standards had been in cooperation on a Financial Abuse Task and Finish Group.
The Health & Wellbeing Team representative explained that suicide prevention signage had now been implemented on Tower Bridge, and was in the process of being approved for Southwark Bridge.
The Health & Wellbeing Team representative explained that the team were more than happy to take requests for update reports on any particular area of their work for the Safer City Partnership in future.
The Chairman asked for clarification on what “Section 136” referred to. The Health & Wellbeing Team representative explained that this was a section of the Mental Health Act 2007 that gives powers to detain those perceived to be a threat to personal or public safety. The Commissioner of Police explained that the Street Triage operation was working well to prevent situations in which this is resorted to as far as possible. The Chairman stated his approval at this. The CoLP Senior Intelligence Analyst explained that based on information gathered through reporting, the presence of a trained mental-health professional alongside Police Officers has been significantly beneficial. The Chairman queried the degree to which Street Triage operation overlapped with work on Rough Sleepers. The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services approved of the Chairman’s comments and explained that, although Rough sleepers were a wider issue and not an explicit focus of the Street Triage, they would look to consider |
Corporate Plan Update 2018-23 PDF 90 KB Report of the Head of Corporate Strategy & Performance
Additional documents: Minutes: The Group received a report of the Head of Corporate Strategy & Performance that provided Members with an update on progress with the development of the Corporate Plan, including the consultation and engagement activities that have been organised between September and November 2017.
The Corporate Strategy Manager explained that the Corporate Strategy was open for comments until 8 November 2017, at which point the redrafting process would take place, leading to a final version being proposed to Summit Group in November, and to Chief Officers’ Group in December. A Members’ Breakfast has also been arranged for 7 November 2017 to gather feedback.
The corporate Strategy Manager explained that the Strategy focused on three key objectives: · Grow the economy · Shape the City of the future · Contribute to a flourishing society
The representative for the Partnership for Young London illustrated their approval of the inclusion of the voluntary sector in the strategy. She asked when further work to engage on the ground with charities would take place. The Corporate Strategy Manager explained that at the current time, they had been predominantly focused on internal engagement, utilising the Corporate Strategy Network. However, she confirmed that they had contacted the Partnership for young London. She also explained that within the relatively short three-month timescale for drafting the strategy, it has not been possible to engage all internal and external parties. She explained that they have 10-15 external partners within their network, through which they aim to cover a broad range of interests and expertise.
The Corporate Strategy Manager explained that there was a great emphasis on working with Communities, and that they are looking forward to working with communities to define the aims and indicators of success after the launch.
The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection illustrated his approval of the Draft Corporate Plan, |
Safer Communities Project - Outcomes Review PDF 1 MB Joint Report of the Commissioner of Police and Town Clerk Minutes: The Group received a joint report of the Commissioner and the Town Clerk that provided a summary to Members of the work completed on the Safer Communities Project.
The Head of Change Portfolio Office explained that two workshops had been undertaken since the last meeting of the Safer City Partnership with follow up meetings to further solidify the understanding, and a lessons-learned workshop planned.
The representative for the Partnership for Young London requested paperwork from Work Stream 11 – Housing ASB Process. The Head of Change Portfolio Office agreed to circulate this. (4)
The Chairman queried the developments in Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) recording methods. The Community Safety Manager explained that an IT solution was possible, and that Corporately dramatic improvements to recording standards have been achieved. However, he also noted that systems that would make yet further improvements were currently in existence. The Director of Community & Children's Services confirmed that it had been progressing well; although there had been a significant spike in numbers, most of these appeared to be due to low-level incidents involving youths. He explained that it required some further fine-tuning to ensure effectiveness. The Senior Intelligence Analyst explained that they had been looking specifically at the occurrence of “harm” in involved in recorded ASB cases.
The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection illustrated his disappointment at the outcomes considering the significant resource and time expended on the Safer Communities Project. He explained that the workshop needed to be very well thought through in order to ensure its effectiveness. He asked what the total cost of the Project was, and the Town Clerk confirmed that it was approximately £350,000. The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection noted that, when considering some of the Work Streams individually, it seemed that significant sums had been expended on very minor work. |
Safer City Partnership Strategic Assessment 2016/17 PDF 174 KB Report of the Community Safety Manager Minutes: The Group received a report of the Community Safety Manager that provided the annual assessment of the Safer City Partnership Plan 2016-17.
The Community Safety Manager reiterated that there was an expectation that all partners contribute to the Safer City Partnership Strategy, and wanted to ensure that this was recognised.
The representative for the Partnership for Young London queried the outlook of future funding. The Community Safety Manager explained that the Safer City did not have a significant budget of its own to manage, but rather relied on contribution of work from partners. He explained that the majority of the Plan was “business as usual”, though care has been taken to ensure its alignment with Corporation, and to raise awareness of partnership opportunities.
The Chairman queried the allocation of funds from POCA. The Town Clerk confirmed that discussion with CoLP was ongoing in this regard, with a bidding process expected to take place before the next meeting. He explained that the sums had not yet been confirmed. Members agreed that discussion of this funding stream should be able to take place with CoLP as a partner of the Safer City Partnership. The Community Safety Manager explained that funding had been received from POCA in the past, and had been utilised for achievement of beneficial work.
The Director of Community and Children’s Services noted that the processes seemed to be robust, but queried the lack of outcomes. The Community Safety Manager explained that there had been a significant period of unsupported Safer City Partnership, so it had been difficult to confirm impacts of work, nevertheless, improvements had been made from the previous year. The Chairman explained that partners were expected to self-appraise their activities, actively report opportunities for contribution to Safer City Partnership and to provide outcomes.
The Chairman asked for |
Safer City Partnership Strategy 2017-2020 PDF 12 KB Report of the Community Safety Manager Additional documents: Minutes: The Group considered a report of the Community Safety Manager that provided Members with the opportunity to consider a draft of a new Safer City Partnership Strategy.
The Community Safety Manager thanked partners for their contributions, and explained that the report title should read “2017-2020” rather than “2017-2018”. He explained that last year’s strategy document, even given any errors, provided very useful spark for discussion/concrete aims. He asked that partners offer their criticisms.
The representative for the Partnership for Young London asked if the document could be shared publicly at this stage. The Community Safety Manager explained that, although the draft document has been published in the public domain as part of this agenda, it would be more useful to come to an agreement on the draft, before actively sharing it. He explained that the general priorities were agreed at the beginning of 2017.
The Chairman asked if there were now any significant disagreements to note. It would be expected that suggestions for incremental improvements be taken into account for 2018. The Town Clerk requested that a list of potential sources of funding be included. (6)
RESOLVED – That the report be received and Members agree:
1. To consider the draft strategy
2. The principle of a return to a three-year rolling strategy
3. Where appropriate, begin work towards the 2018 refresh.
City & Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016-17 PDF 2 MB Report of the City & Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board Manager Minutes: The Group received a report of the City & Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board Manager that provided Members with an update on the achievements of the Board during 2016-17.
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services passed on apologies from the chair of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board who was unable to attend.
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that the Board had now gained statutory status. He explained that the Safeguarding Adult Reviews was a key area that had been brought in, and it ensured that any learning was brought back to the City of London Corporation, and scrutiny of work within the City was occurring.
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that the Neglect and Mismanagement panel was now in place.
The Chairman noted that the report was very thorough, though queried whether there was confidence that adults are safe within the City. The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that work had gone into raising awareness about various important issues, and positive work had been achieved. He explained however, that modern slavery was still an issue of concern alongside domestic violence.
The Director of Community & Children's Services explained that some really good work had been achieved, but there is still a desire for increased contributions of peoples’ concerns so that attempts can be made to address any other issues.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Review of the Serious and Organised Crime Board PDF 279 KB Report of the Chairman of the Serious and Organised Crime Board Minutes: The Group received a report of the Chairman of the Serious and Organised Crime Board that reviewed the work of the Board and outlined details of the Board’s strategy, activities, governance arrangements, roles and responsibilities.
The Chairman of the Serious and Organised Crime Board explained that work had begun from understanding government strategy. He explained that there had been a review of 8 areas in monthly meetings, as summarised by paragraph 7 in the report. He explained that the strategy focus was on the importance of partnership working, and it was identified that improvements were needed at a local level, as highlighted within paragraph 11 of the report.
The Chairman of the Serious and Organised Crime Board explained that data sharing was a key issue, something that all partners recognise as an area that needs improvement. The Senior Analyst explained that information sharing was integral to all areas, and in contrast to Westminster where it is not an issue. The Chairman stated that information sharing should be viewed as the default position, and questioned whether a written agreement would be the solution to overcoming a culture of siloed working. The Chairman of the Serious and Organised Crime Board agreed that there was a cultural problem that needed to be tackled. The Director of Community & Children's Services explained that although the “mesh” was not employed by the City of London Corporation, partners need to be ensuring that they are constantly checking their legal right to share information in any instance. The Chairman gave an example of NHS restricting sharing of patient statistical information over Christmas, an issue that the Community Safety Manager then confirmed had been resolved.
The representative for the City of London Crime Prevention Association noted that there were no private sector representatives on the Serious and Organised Crime |
Financial Abuse in the City of London PDF 99 KB Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The Group received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services that presented an update on the work undertaken by the Financial Abuse Task and Finish Group.
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that the Financial Abuse Task and Finish Group was a strategic priority for the City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board (CHSAB).
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that an event was scheduled for 4 December in the Livery Hall, open to both practitioners and the public., to coincide with Scams Awareness Month.
The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection illustrated his approval, and explained that the feedback from trading standards was positive.
The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services highlighted the importance of raising awareness, and explained that Corporate Communications would be best placed to advise on this. The Director of Communications agreed that discussion should take place over the best use of social media to do so. (7)
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Community Safety Team Update PDF 212 KB Report of the Community Safety Manager Minutes: The Group received a report of the Community Safety Manager that updated Members on the activities of the Community Safety Team.
The Community Safety Manager explained that significant WRAP (Workshop to raise awareness of Prevent) training was being carried out.
The Community Safety Manager explained that referrals during the last period of MARAC had changed, from predominantly rough sleepers to predominantly old age pensioners.
The Community Safety Manager explained that there had been an issue with the Community Trigger function on the website which meant that it was not accessible.
The Community Safety Manager explained that newly produced Safer City Z-cards had proved popular. He also confirmed that a new Community Safety employee was in post, allowing the team to run at full strength following a period of limited capacity.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
City of London Police Update PDF 368 KB Report of the Commissioner of Police. Minutes: The Group received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided an update on the activities of the City of London Police since the last meeting.
The Commissioner of Police noted to Members that violent crime had increased over the last period. The Senior Analyst explained that the distinction between violence with and without injury was crucial and an analysis of low-level violence was necessary to provide a more contextual perspective of the issues. It was confirmed that this would be included in future CoLP updates. (8)
The Commissioner of Police confirmed that alcohol recovery centres would be set up over the Christmas period, working in conjunction with the Communications team to campaign.
The Commissioner of Police explained that violent crime was categorised as one of the Force’s “control measures”, essentially designating it as a priority area. The responsible officer for tackling this is Superintendent Bill Duffy, who is operating with the target of improving on the figures for the previous Christmas.
The Commissioner of Police explained that there had been a decrease in acquisitive crime in the last quarter, and this area would be addressed as part of the Christmas Communications campaign.
The Senior Analyst explained that ASB was being given a more detailed analysis, particularly with the identification of the relationship between rough sleepers and homeless. She explained that they had been drawing a comparison between begging and rough sleeping locations as part of this analysis. She explained that their analysis was currently limited to that of data Force data, and it would be beneficial to have access to that of partners in addition. The Commissioner of Police explained that although ASB was not a Force priority, it was however, viewed as a local priority.
The Chairman noted that trends were not evident from the way data |
Public Protection Service (Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards) Update PDF 833 KB Report of the Port Health & Public Protection Director, Markets & Consumer Protection Minutes: The Group received a report of the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection that contributed to the work of the Safer City Partnership through its Public Protection Service.
The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection explained that tackling of illegal street trading had been a success.
The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection explained that the spend of the Late Night Levy was being reviewed, with feedback to come to the Group in due course.
The Chairman asked whether the Safety Thirst scheme was targeted, and The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection explained that they were working in cooperation with the CoLP to improve management of the scheme. The Chairman asked if certain sites were being targeted, and this was also confirmed. The Chairman of the Licensing Committee explained that the number of award recipients was the same as in the previous year, though with a higher attendance. He noted that the issue was one of significant importance to attendees. He also explained that premises receiving the best awards had been identified in the past by the traffic light scheme, illustrating that there has been very good progress.
The Director of Community & Children's Services asked whether small instances such as the selling of cigarettes to youths were being picked up. The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection confirmed that any intelligence received was followed up on, and asked partners to please make these cases be known when they arise.
The Chairman noted that noise complaints had been reduced, and asked if there was any understanding of why this was the case. The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection explained that effective work had been carried out to reduce noise complaints, and a significant number of those enduring were related to construction projects, for which they were currently looking into resolutions for. The |
London Fire Brigade Update The Borough Commander of the London Fire Brigade to be heard. Minutes: The Group heard a verbal update from the Borough Commander of the London Fire Brigade.
The Borough Commander explained that figures of fires in the City of London were very low, and that the main area of concern was due to automatic fire alarms being set off with increasing frequency. He explained that the approach to this system would likely need addressing.
The Borough Commander confirmed that the total number of recorded fires in dwellings last year was just 6. The Director of Community & Children's Services asked if any of these fires had taken place in a tower block, and the Borough Commander agreed to check this. (10) The Chairman asked if there had been a change of methods since the Grenfell Tower incident. The Borough Commander confirmed that there had been significant changes in the response protocol for high-rise buildings, and particularly for those with cladding in their construction. The Chairman asked if there was accessible data on the locations of cladded buildings, to which the Borough Commander confirmed that they relied on government data which was not exhaustive. The Borough Commander explained that a particular issue arising post-Grenfell was that many private properties had adapted to an “everybody out” policy over one that favoured remaining inside. This change has raised the concern of fire access pathways being blocked by evacuating civilians
RESOLVED – That the Borough Commander be heard.
Any Other Business Minutes: There was no further business. |