Meeting attendance

Thursday, 25th May, 2023 1.00 pm, Court of Common Council

Venue:   Guildhall

Contact:    Polly Dunn

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Joanna Tufuo Abeyie Commoners Present
George Christopher Abrahams Commoners Present
John David Absalom, Deputy Commoners Present
Caroline Kordai Addy Commoners Absent
Munsur Ali Commoners Present
Rehana Banu Ameer, Deputy Commoners Present
Randall Keith Anderson, Deputy Commoners Present
Shahnan Bakth Commoners Apologies
Jamel Banda Commoners Present
Brendan Barns Commoners Present
Alexander Robertson Martin Barr (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Matthew Bell Commoners Absent
The Honourable Emily Sophia Wedgwood Benn Commoners Apologies
Nicholas Michael Bensted-Smith Commoners Apologies
Ian Bishop-Laggett Commoners Present
Christopher Paul Boden, Deputy Commoners Present
Mark Bostock, Deputy Commoners Present
Keith David Forbes Bottomley, Deputy Commoners Present
Sir Charles Edward Beck Bowman (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Tijs Broeke Commoners Apologies
Timothy Richard Butcher Commoners Present
Michael John Cassidy, Deputy Commoners Present
Dominic Gerard Christian Commoners Absent
COL - Events Council Staff Expected
Henry Nicholas Almroth Colthurst, Deputy Commoners Present
Anne Corbett Commoners Apologies
Aaron Anthony Jose Hasan D'Souza Commoners Present
Graeme Doshi-Smith, Deputy Commoners Absent
Simon Duckworth, Deputy Commoners Apologies
Peter Gerard Dunphy, Deputy Commoners Present
Mary Durcan Commoners Present
Professor Emma Edhem (Alderman) Aldermen Present
John Ernest Edwards Commoners Present
Sir Peter Estlin (Alderman) Aldermen Apologies
Helen Lesley Fentimen Commoners Apologies
Sophie Anne Fernandes Commoners Apologies
Anthony David Fitzpatrick Commoners Absent
John William Fletcher, Deputy Commoners Present
John Foley Commoners Present
Marianne Bernadette Fredericks, Deputy Commoners Apologies
James Gibson Officer Expected
Steve Goodman Commoners Apologies
Alison Gowman (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Prem Goyal (Alderman) Aldermen Present
John Griffiths Commoners Present
Jason Groves Commoners Present
Madush Gupta, Deputy Commoners Absent
Timothy Russell Hailes (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Caroline Wilma Haines Commoners Apologies
Christopher Michael Hayward, Deputy Commoners Present
Jaspreet Hodgson Commoners Present
Ann Holmes, Deputy Commoners Present
Amy Horscroft Commoners Present
Robert Picton Seymour Howard (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Michael Hudson Commoners Present
Robert Charles Hughes-Penney (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Wendy Hyde Commoners Present
Gregory Jones KC (Alderman) Aldermen Absent
Henry Llewellyn Michael Jones Commoners Absent
Shravan Jashvantrai Joshi, Deputy Commoners Present
Vincent Keaveny (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Florence Keelson-Anfu Commoners Present
Sheriff Alastair John Naisbitt King DL (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Elizabeth Anne King Commoners Apologies
Susan Langley (Alderwoman) Aldermen Present
Gregory Alfred Lawrence Commoners Present
Frances Leach Commoners Apologies
Tim Levene (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Natasha Maria Cabrera Lloyd-Owen, Deputy Commoners Apologies
Charles Edward Lord, OBE JP, Deputy Commoners Present
Ian David Luder (Alderman) Aldermen Present
The Rt Hon. The Lord Mayor Nicholas Stephen Leland Lyons (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Professor Michael Raymond Mainelli (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Christopher Makin (Alderman) Aldermen Apologies
Antony Geoffrey Manchester Commoners Absent
Paul Nicholas Martinelli Commoners Present
Bronek Masojada (Alderman) Aldermen Apologies
Andrew Paul Mayer Commoners Apologies
Catherine McGuinness CBE Commoners Present
Andrew Stratton McMurtrie Commoners Present
Timothy James McNally Commoners Apologies
Wendy Mead Commoners Present
Andrien Gereith Dominic Meyers, Deputy Commoners Apologies
Brian Desmond Francis Mooney, Deputy Commoners Apologies
Gregory Moore Secretary Expected
Alastair Michael Moss, Deputy Commoners Absent
Eamonn James Mullally Commoners Absent
Benjamin Daniel Murphy Commoners Apologies
Jennette Rachel Newman (Alderwoman) Aldermen Absent
Deborah Oliver TD Commoners Present
Graham Packham, Deputy Commoners Present
Sir Andrew Charles Parmley, (Alderman) Aldermen Absent
Susan Jane Pearson (Alderwoman) Aldermen Apologies
Judith Pleasance Commoners Absent
James Henry George Pollard, Deputy Commoners Present
Henrika Johanna Sofia Priest Commoners Absent
Jason Paul Pritchard Commoners Apologies
Nighat Qureishi, Deputy Commoners Present
Alpa Raja Commoners Absent
Anett Rideg Commoners Present
Sir William Anthony Bowater Russell (Alderman) Aldermen Present
David Sales Commoners Present
Ruby Sayed Commoners Present
Ian Christopher Norman Seaton Commoners Present
Hugh Selka Commoners Present
Oliver Sells KC Commoners Absent
Dr Giles Robert Evelyn Shilson, Deputy Commoners Present
Alethea Silk Commoners Absent
Paul Singh Commoners Absent
Tom Sleigh Commoners Apologies
Sir Michael Snyder, Deputy Commoners Absent
Naresh Hari Sonpar Commoners Present
James Bromiley-Davis Commoners Present
Mandeep Thandi Commoners Present
James Michael Douglas Thomson, Deputy Commoners Present
Luis Felipe Tilleria Commoners Present
James Richard Tumbridge Commoners Absent
Shailendra Kumar Kantilal Umradia Commoners Apologies
William Upton KC Commoners Present
Alessia Ursini Officer Expected
Mark Raymond Peter Henry Delano Wheatley Commoners Present
Ceri Wilkins Commoners Absent
Glen David Witney Commoners Absent
Philip Woodhouse, Deputy Commoners Present
Sir David Hugh Wootton (Alderman) Aldermen Present
Dawn Linsey Wright Commoners Present
Irem Yerdelen Commoners Present
Kawsar Zaman (Alderman) Aldermen Absent